
Redbaiter #conspiracy truebluenz.com

While reading on Twitter the unbridled hatred that many young (and old) Americans have for Sarah Palin, (subject of an earlier post) it occurred to me I was observing the same kind of attitude (in embryonic form) that was exampled by the Cambodian thug communist soldiers. It was initially a mystery to me, for I was asking myself, how could this intense hatred grow, and how could it be so widespread. It had to be something systematic, but what was that system?

Its an issue I hadn’t previously given much thought to. A couple or recent events alerted me to a possible solution. I read Bill Lind’s address on Critical Theory, about the psychological tools the academic left use to make a society hate itself. I thought about this and the recent widespread irrational expressions of hatred for Conservatives that were most apparent after the Arizona shootings. The pieces fell into place.

What we are experiencing today in the West is perhaps Phase One of the plan that transforms normal people with normal ambitions and desires into hate driven genocidal maniacs. I can already hear the usual suspects calling extreme lunacy as usual, but I challenge anyone to provide any explanation for the widespread and systematic hatred that is on display in American society towards Conservatives, and is especially intense towards Conservative women (Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin for example) or Conservative blacks, or Christian Conservatives. There absolutely has to be a political force behind it.

And that force is energised by the left. By the Progressives. By the cultural Marxists. Mostly by means of their Critical Theory, where everything about the west is criticised as bad (usually on completely false grounds) and no alternative is offered. It is merely a theory that says “the west is bad, and Conservative thought is bad”, and therefore they must be destroyed. And that message is repeated like a drumbeat through every means of communication the left control. Our schools, our universities, our mass media, our entertainment sources, our bureaucracies and our governments all repeat the message and it finally receives mass acceptance.

And this is why we see ignorant school children (among others) who do not even know one real or truthful thing about Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann, writing intensely hateful messages to them and about them in social media. The process is underway where the seed is implanted and the innocent child who would otherwise grow to adulthood and aspire to normalcy, becomes the hate driven foot soldier for genocide.