
The Patriot #conspiracy theuspatriot.com

It is no secret that Michelle and Barrack Obama have gone above and beyond to keep their daughters out of the press. Even so, we have seen very few pictures of the early years of the First Daughters. Now, some Americans are starting to believe that the pictures simply don’t exist.

While some Americans feel that the two girls have very little resemblance to their parents, others claim that the pair were adopted from Morocco. Similar to their father, there is very little evidence surrounding the two girls’ birth and background. Online searches for either of their birth records come up completely dry.

Ancestry.com and GenealogyBank.com have no records of the two sisters.

While we’ve seen pictures of Barack and Michelle dating before they had children, we have seen very little of the period of time when Malia and Sasha were born. And no one has ever claimed to see a picture of the First Lady pregnant or with a newborn.