
Tom Kratman #fundie thedeclination.com

Peter Singer is a monster in human form. No society can be called healthy or sane which hasn’t strung the motherfucker up to a lamppost. His only real virtue is that he’s the perfect illustration of intellectualism as a mental deficiency disease rather than superior intelligence.

Is Peter Singer self aware while he sleeps? If not, what’s his moral objection to shooting him while he snoozes?

On the other hand, while I never liked either prospect, if I were willing to see half the world incinerated in nuclear fire rather than see my country fall to the reds, and I was, what’s my principled objection to aborting fifty million mostly future democratic, which is to say red, voters?

Arbeit Macht Frei Award

Tom Kratman #fundie thedeclination.com

No, you cant live with Calexit [Californian secession from the USA]? “Why not?” you may well ask. Because with Calexit California becomes a way station and transit point for illegal immigration to the west. They will invite them and they will assist them onward.

OTOH, Calexit is an excellent opportunity to mobilize, invade, and crush California, as well as to use about 20 million adult lefties as slave labor until they die of it.