
Ashley #fundie theawakenedstate.net

When we hear our ears buzzing or ringing, our bodies are really tuning into a higher frequency wavelength. We are created from photons, when we increase in density and vibration, our frequencies are then heightened to new levels.

This is attributed to getting “downloads” of new energy or a transfer of energy currents causing pressure to build. Similarly this is common during the stages of Astral Projection. Right before you project your consciousness during the hypnagognic state, there is a change in the frequency of the wavelength. Therefore as you release your physical body to astral project the density changes in a similar fashion.

It’s a weird feeling at first because it isn’t external, it’s very much an internal ringing because it’s connecting to your consciousness. Most commonly they occur during astrological events, solar flares or energy shifts.

Shortly after we can sometimes experience: insights, visions, seeing energy orbs, closed visuals, dizziness or feeling a bit disoriented for a small time after they take place.

If it becomes too much of a bother, just ask your spirit guides or angels to help you turn it down a notch. While it can be a little overbearing just know that it’s a good thing rather than an annoying thing. It means you’re basically tuning up like a tuning fork into the higher dimensions of consciousness.