
Larry Cook #conspiracy stopmandatoryvaccination.com

Vaccination bills have been introduced all across the country seeking to end our ability to opt-out of the vaccination program through the use of personal and/or religious belief exemptions in order to attend public or private school. We are told in mainstream media and by the pharmaceutical industry through their representative politicians that we have a health crises, that vaccines are safe, that vaccines are required, and that we must get vaccinated or we and/or our children will suffer severe consequences.

However, we are being lied to about vaccine need, vaccine safety and vaccination efficacy. Mainstream media is controlled by the pharmaceutical industry via billions of advertising dollars so you won’t get the truth from them; and many politicians are paid off through campaign contributions, so you won’t hear them bucking the system. So what we really have going on here is an edict created by the pharmaceutical industry and the CDC to increase the vaccination rate beyond its already super high rate and to do that by proposing and passing laws which would not allow us to opt-out of their vaccination programs. And how do you pass laws that are unpopular? Simple: you manufacture a problem so that everyone will go for the proposed solution, and since it is manufactured, lies will be used to persuade everyone to go along with the plan.

We don’t have a communicable disease public health crises or low vaccination rates. And in fact, even if we did, we still don’t need vaccines to “prevent” those “diseases” – death from disease had already been virtually eliminated by the time most vaccines had arrived on the market; so really then, what we actually need to be focusing on here is death from disease, not getting the disease. Consider this: many of the people who wound up with measles at Disneyland had been vaccinated, and neither they nor those who were unvaccinated, died. So, is there a problem? No, not at all – it is a manufactured problem.

Medical professionals, experts and parents have done extensive research, and after doing their own investigation they have concluded that it is better to vaccinate selectively, or on a different schedule, or even not at all. What you will find is that unvaccinated children are far more healthy, robust and even smarter than their vaccinated peers. Read through our vaccine free section to learn more about why we can live without vaccines and why unvaccinated children and adults are not a threat to society.

Children and people are healthy in spite of being vaccinated, not because of vaccination! Vaccines are filled with poison. The manufacturer vaccine inserts offer laundry lists of known adverse reactions – many of which are permanent, life threatening, or just plain horrible. In reality, vaccines should be labeled as hazardous products. If you are concerned about your safety and that of your children, then look beyond what you hear in the media, because you will surely not hear the truth there. Read a book, or two, or three, and then decide for yourself what to think. There are a bunch of them on the left column (What About Immunizations is highly recommended). Alternatively, just take a look at Vaccine Dangers and review the highlights. Or, review a few of my interviews with parents who share their stories of vaccine injury and then come to your conclusions.

Let’s not forget that adults are under attack as well: for example, in California there is a bill that would mandate vaccination for all daycare workers: SB-792. Don’t even for one-second think it will stop there! Teachers and schools will be next, and plenty more professions will be incorporated into the vaccination program, slowly but surely. The goal is regular and total vaccination of the entire population. It’s all spelled out in the National Adult Immunization Plan.