
Tyler V #fundie rationalists.wordpress.com

[On whether Barack Obama may be an atheist]

Yeah, I’d hope for agnostic. Atheistic leaders dont have the best track record— Stalin, Mao, Hoxsa, Cruschev, Castro— I guess it has something to do with the whole denial of the basis for the universal and inalienable human value, dignity, and rights. Easier to trample all over people when you see them as the “unfit” rather than image bearers.

[“Easier to trample all over people when you see them as the “unfit” rather than image bearers.”
I think you are confusing atheist, with social Darwinist.]

so an atheist can pick and choose when evolution is involved? arent we an evolved species? wouldnt we have fit/unfit species? isnt it in the best interest of the species to eliminate the unfit from the breed? so evolution is the controlling factor of life on earth— except when its not—?