
Aidhan #racist nordicantisemite.com

People do not even know that it is an invention. If only they did. Jews and Jewesses continue to pretend to be gays and lesbians as they have since the 19th century.

Many women come out as Lesbian or Bisexual only because they think they are pleasing men, because of the porno culture, not knowing they are aiding the Jew in the promulgation of their fictitious invention...these girls are only actresses aiming to please men. Many actresses who have come out as ‘bi’ or ‘lesbian’ have actually gone on to marry men and produce children. Many ‘bi’s’ are slandered by the Jewish newspaper writers for being more into men, ending up with men and thus delegitimising their position.

This just proves that they are pretending and as celebrities set the cultural values of America the Jews employ these people to come out and make these statements.

The fact that they don’t really feel a sexual pull towards their own sex does not matter to them if it will make them popular and fashionable. It is still no proof that homosexuals actually exist.

Non-Jews, the hideous protesting individuals you see, not the porno actresses, but the disfigured multitude they make up to agitate and protest, those that might even live with someone of their own sex, those who think they are lesbian and gay actually are not.

What they are is just inferiors and they have no sexual instinct because they are not designed to breed so they would mistake a friendship for a relationship as they have nothing to compare it to. You can always identify them physically as they look malformed. All these people go against the continuance of the species.

It is all part of a Jewish plot where the Jews are able to say that gender does not actually exist, it is fluid, and if you disagree you are part of the problem and oppressing the faggots.

Jerry #racist nordicantisemite.com

These people that identify as "gay" know they have no chance with a woman, they are ugly, there is something wrong with them. It is psychosomatic, an underdog mentality. They have got no brains.

You can always pick them physically because they look disfigured.

They are abusing love. They have taken that word, they have heard us use it and they use it for themselves. Why should the government listen to this nonsense? In Ireland in the vote they get this result and everyone in the world feels sympathy, the Jew claps his hands and everybody feels this is right.

Only a woman can be a biological mother. Only a man can be a biological father. Love finds its origin between beautiful and beautiful. Nordic and Nordic.

If a "gay couple" is allowed to adopt, they adopt mongrels, and they increase the population of mongrels. That is not love, that is bastardisation. Look at Elton John, he adopted children and the media help them along. It is all the media, people want to be trendy, it is something new.

If there are no Nordic Men, and no Nordic Females for them to be attracted to, what do you expect will happen with the rest of the bilge.

They will be exploited. And when the young population grow up they are told they can be ‘gay’, they can get married. It is trendiness, and trendiness is mindlessness. It is just stupid idiots playing around, and it is encouraged by ‘humanitarian’ societies, and they are getting inspiration by the Jews in the papers.

Why is there no initiative against the Jews. People get scared. There should be people who know about the Jew, what he is and what he has done. But they don’t speak up. The Jews have the lawyers, they have the racial vilification laws. Where is the strength! Nobody speaks up.

Aidhan #racist nordicantisemite.com

Top 10 facts that you didn’t know about Jews:

1#. Jews believe Christians and Gentiles are evil vile worthless forms of life, and that Jesus, being their leader, should be punished in hell for eternity by being boiled in alive in hot human excrement forever.

#2. The Talmud, the Jewish bible, teaches that all non-Jews are worthless objects, and that it is mandatory and a privilege for a Jew to commit usury upon a non-Jew, failure to do so results in a Jew losing their Jewish honour.


#3. Jews control every aspect of American government policy; they outnumber non-Jews by at least 10 to 1 in white-house as well as all other major American governmental agencies and control every aspect of American foreign and governmental policy.

#4. The national citizenship laws of Israel are even more racist than the apartheid-era citizenship laws of South Africa. Unless someone has Jewish ethnicity, and can prove that ethnicity by extended family history, they are not legally obliged to have Israeli citizenship.


#5. In the 1930s American Jews collectively honoured the Rothschild family of international Jewish bankers as being the most honorary and privileged sect of Jews. They honoured their Jewish hero in a typically perverted mannerism, by making a film of the Rothschild family in which the Rothschild Patriarch cheats his host country by faking poverty to avoid paying collective income taxations.

#6. The Soviet Communist Party leadership was almost 99% Jewish, the Jewish leaders of the communist movement in the soviet-union deliberately changed their surnames to the most Russian-sounding names of all, and deliberately hid their Jewish ancestry to make out that they were ethnic Russians and not Jews.


#7. The anti-defamation-league, or ADL, promotes multiculturalism, racial interbreeding, and cultural acceptance and tolerance, yet advocates Jewish interrelationships and Jewish culture and promotion of orthodox Jewish values which teach that all non-Jews are worthless trash that have no method of existence other than to serve jews.

#8. New York City boasts one of the largest Jewish populations in the world; it is also the centre of large commercial Jewish mega-banks that control world-politics, world-religion, and world opinion. They are also the centre of the 2008 global financial crisis, and the centre of all world economic downfalls and especially the great depression of the 1930s.


#9. The Jewish religion is particularly perverted in its moral doctrines, it teaches that immoral and lewd acts are acceptable amongst Jews, and generally has a penchant for non-natural, sick, deprived and vile forms of behaviour are tolerable and promoted.

#10. In 1898 the international Jewish community held a meeting in Zurich, Switzerland, in which only the top rabbis and elders of the international Jewish community attended, in it, it was collectively decided that Jews would completely take over the world in the 20th century, by whatever means possible, and that Jewish world domination was the ultimate goal of Jews in the 20th century period.


I will be back with some articles shortly. I have been busy with work and projects around home.

– Aidhan