
John Two-Hawks #conspiracy nativecircle.com

The Bering Strait theory would have us believe that all of North America was uninhabited by human beings of any kind until the supposed 'ice age'.'

The theory contends that all the ancestors of American Indians originated in Siberia. Factual history of the ancient people of Siberia in those times indicates that these people had plenty to eat, were very settled into their communities, and the land they lived on. The Bering Strait theory wants us to believe that countless thousands of people from these well established communities in Siberia, despite the fact that they had everything they needed, just left it all behind to head north into a frozen tundra to 'chase and hunt game' (which, by the way, also decided for some crazy reason to leave their rich marshlands and head for the ice).

It is certainly possible that a handful of ancient Siberian people over the course of thousands of years may have found their way into the northern parts of North America. The Inuit cultures of Alaska may well carry an ancient connection with these people in their bloodlines. But this does not in any way negate the foolishness of the notion that North America was entirely devoid of humanity, and then suddenly became populated entirely by Siberians wandering across a so-called frozen ice bridge.