
Jessica #fundie meandallthesekids.blogspot.com

Recently I found an old childhood book at a thrift store. I remember loving it and was excited to buy it for my kiddos. Are you all familiar with the children's book, "The Little Red Hen"(by Paul Galdone). If not, I highly recommend it. Our children just love it, and of course we read with animated voices. It is about a hen, who does all the work and her friends the mouse, the dog and the cat are lazy and will not help her when hen asks. Then when hen has gotten the field ready, planted the wheat, took care of the wheat and milled the wheat she bakes a cake. Then her friends decide to get up, because they smell the cake and want some too. The hen says she did all the work so she will eat all the cake! I love this book and remember it as a child. The story really allows you to share with your children, what the Bible says about slothfulness. Don't you think I should send a copy to Barack Obama and his followers? HA!!!!!!! It may do this country some good!!!