
alanorei #fundie frankchalk.blogspot.com

As a King James Bible believer, I have no problem with geocentricity.


In essence, it appears that satellites and related calculations aren't in themselves sufficient to distinguish between either geocentricity or heliocentricity. Either approach, for example, can be used to justify the 'slingshot effect' - though it is interesting that spacecraft orbits for other planets are calculated using the Earth, not the sun, as the centre of the coordinates. The implication is that the Earth is the centre of the planetary system.

alanorei #racist frankchalk.blogspot.com

Jacob's son Esau was the father of the Edomites and he is said to be "red" Genesis 25:25.

We might say of a ruddy complexion, as David was, 1 Samuel 16:12.

This is why Blacks in the southern USA are sometimes observed spooning and eating red clay out of river banks. They are trying to get back to the original colour.