
Ella Cruz #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #wingnut ellacruz.org

Black Adrenochrome, The Unholy Walnut Secret of The Elite

1-If the Mockingbird media shed light on these two organizations; Planned Parenthood and Child Protective Service CPS, people will know two national-governmental criminal enterprises are the biggest child providers for the criminal elites.
2-If the Mockingbird media shed light on these two Organizations, people will know two National-governmental criminal enterprises are the biggest child providers for the criminal elites.
Our source had witnessed stealing hundreds of black babies at the borders. Why black babies?

3-Why could we feel “the predators saliva in Podesta’s emails running off their mouths when talking about black babies
The answer is the Walnut Sauce.
The Adrenochrome produced by the pineal gland of the black race and Asians is thicker and more creamy.
8-Another recognized factor according to the report is Melatonin. The pineal gland regulates the entire endocrine hypothalamus and/or pituitary gland and many hormone-related substances have been identified in the pineal tissue which Melatonin is the most important one.

9- Melatonin is also another changing factor in Adrenochrome’s structure. Higher the Melatonin, thicker the Adrenochrome texture.
Pineal calcification starts in early childhood and progress with age.

Ella Cruz #conspiracy ellacruz.org

Modern Art Scandal Uncovered: Are Children shipped in boxes as “LIVE ART” under the “ART FOR EMBASSIES PROGRAM” to feed Pedophiles and Cannibals?

It has been years that I become very suspicious of the modern art and it didn’t take a long time for me to realize how the modern art has acted as a catalyzer to cover-up pedophilia but recently as the modern world evolves in perversion and blood, modern art, in consequence, have become more aggressive in presenting pedophilia, cannibalism and as the latest evolution, presents ”Pedovore.”
What is Pedovore?

Something that only eats children. Similar to Omnivore and Carnivore. Often describes the monsters in children's horror stories and fears.
"The Pedovores still live in these very woods, searching for lost children to steal away for dinner."
by LandonWho July 29, 2014

I had to search for it. This was on urban dictionary. This is the ultimate perversion and I am not sure if what is going on in elite parties is not even worse than that.
Pedovore is something who eats children and has its symbolism. Search the word and see how vast it is being used in the world of modern art.