
eliminativism #fundie eliminativism.tumblr.com

In many Islamist countries, if a woman reports to the police that she was raped, she will be arrested and charged. So, yeah, that effectively makes rape legal.

I know this will be difficult for you to grasp because you apprach this topic from a perspective of ignorace, but that’s an interpretation which is reductionist enough to be considered false.

Don’t forget the societal context of these laws. You cannot project your western behaviours onto them.

A woman is never alone, other family members, or friends, or work partners are always around her - if she was alone with a man, it was her own choice to be with him. Men are not allowed to talk to women or approach them - women decide absolutely whether a man comes even remotely close to her. So how would she end up with a man who rapes her, without anyone nearby to help her or call for help for her?

Compare the Old Testament: If a woman claims to have been raped outside a town, where no one could hear if she called for help, put the man to death.

If a woman claims to have been raped inside a town, within earshot of other people, put both to death - because if she had called to help, half the village would have rushed to her help and skewerd the man with agricultural tools. But if she didn’t, she wanted some alone time with the man. Therefore put both to death - for adultery.

In e.g. Saudi Arabia, women who are caught for adultery can try to get out of it by claiming rape - thus only condemning their illicit lover to death.

There is a reason why the execution, mutilation and torture of men in e.g. Saudi Arabia vastly outnumbers the number of women - society works within very strict rules. And that’s only the official route - men are regularly murdered by family members of women based on her claims of an injury against her.

Obviously, this system of dispersing justice is deeply flawed from our modern Western perspective - but it was not long ago since this system was entirely common in Western countries as well. And these rules were not abolished because people woke up one day and suddenly thought “man, these age old laws make no sense!” The laws changed because the society around them changed, thus it made sense to people to change the laws. As privacy increased because e.g. people got bigger houses with glass windows and didn’t live in large family units anymore, and began to work outside the home, women were not constantly surrounded by social enforcers - aka the men of her house or bloodline - or other women and neighbours in general anymore. Thus laws changed to reflect this.