
damnitmikey #fundie damnitmikey.tumblr.com

People are wondering if my post about the disease was serious

Of course it was

I’m pretty sure once carnists saw other carnists dying from eating meat they’d stop

It’s not a matter of forcing beliefs

It’s a matter of stopping injustice, quit being a whiny little fuckbaby just because it’s a little inconvienient for you to perceive the suffering of another sentient being

If you’ve snapped out of this desensitization, and really felt how horrid the act of depriving a soul of sunlight for your tastebuds is, but brushed it off and still continued to do it, you deserve to die.

So yes, I hope one day scientists invent a fatal disease that is only dormant in non human animals and only transferred by the consumption of their flesh by humans.

The world is overpopulated anyway and I’d rather be in a world full of empathy than a world soiled with bloodmouthed carnists.