
nonhocapito #conspiracy cluesforum.info

[Re. Christina Taylor Green, a girl who was born on 9/11 and died in the Jared Loughner spree shooting]

What an outrageous story. So you would have a child who had the disgrace of being born of the wrong day, being killed sometimes later, who has to be forever remembered in connection to these two events. Wouldn't there be more things to say about this person other than the usual los angeles and the usual 9/11? Thankfully this child never existed (like a glimpse of the lying faces of her supposed scumbag parents immediately can tell) so I don't actually have to feel sorry for her.

Chthon #conspiracy cluesforum.info

[Re. a video of a LaMia Flight 2933 survivor]

Hello! Thank you Vera. Here we are again. Say hello to our friend Edwin Tumiri. This video have a couple of hours on line. We can see our healthy friend Edwin giving an interview at the hospital? Edwin looks very happy for someone who just lost a dozen of partners in an accident, right? He speaks like a popstar or something like that, he says that he is happy and very gratefully to Colombia , that he wants to come back someday, he thanks to firemen and police and says " you worked like a team" , after that he thanks to " Somer Hospital" and makes an appointment in Bolivia to whoever that wants to meet him. Another interesting thing is that he says he feels sorry for haven't been able to give interviews to the media because medical prescription .But the hilarious thing comes at the end in 1:28 when you can see in the left down corner something like a hand that indicates him to finish the speech and after that the video is edited and Edwin introduce himself again! It's very strange and it says hoax everywhere to me.

simonshack #conspiracy cluesforum.info

It is fair to say the September Clues research has established these 4 main points:

1- The 9/11 imagery was nothing but a Hollywood-style film production, complete with actors in the role of 'eye-witnesses' or 'firefighters', staged 'running crowds', 3D-compositing and special cinematic effects. The '9/11 movie' was split into a number of short clips and sold to the TV audience as 'newscasts'. The few clips featuring 'airplanes' (or dull silhouettes thereof) were computer-generated images - all of which in stark conflict with each other, as now comprehensively demonstrated in every imaginable manner, angle and method.

2- No commercial airliners were hijacked or - much less - crashed into the WTC towers, the Pentagon or the Shanksville field. No valid/verifiable records exist for : their airport logs/schedules, their numbered parts, their alleged passengers. Their reported speeds at near sea-level as well as the absurd visuals of their total, effortless disappearance into the WTC façades defy the laws of mechanics and physics - and the absence of visible wake vortexes in the WTC impact imagery also defies the laws of aerodynamics.

3- The World Trade Center Complex (9 buildings in all) were demolished with powerful explosives. No image-analyses of the tower collapses can help determine just what type of explosives were employed - since the videos are 3D animations and do not represent the real-life events. In reality, as they collapsed, the WTC complex was most likely enveloped by military-grade smoke obscurants. No real/private imagery exists of the morning's events - 'thanks' to electromagnetic countermeasures.

4- No "3000" people were trapped in the top floors/nor perished in the WTC towers. Only one thing was more important to the perps than avoiding a mass murder of 3000 US citizens : to sell the notion that "bogeyman Bin Laden" killed 3000 US citizens. We have renamed the 'victims' of these psy-operations "VICSIMS" (SIMulated VICtims). In fact, our research has seen the same pattern emerge in all the so-called "Al-Quaeda Terror Attacks" around the world (LONDON 7/7, MADRID 11, BALI, MUMBAI, etc...). In all logic, the very last aggravation the plotters behind these false-flag operations wish to have, are scores of real families hounding them forever with real questions. Hence: NO real terror victims = Logical PsyOp rationale.