
Ken Ham and C. Britt Beemer #fundie alreadygonebook.wordpress.com

One of the people in the group of almost 300 atheists/agnostics who visited the Creation Museum a few months ago wrote this on his blog:

It is in the minds and hearts of our children that the battle will be fought . . . .

Secular humanists understand that if you can brainwash children from an early age in evolution and an anti-Christian philosophy, they will capture their hearts and minds. Sadly, they are being very successful at this. As we have shown in the book, Already Gone—based on statistically valid research conducted by America’s Research Group—the two-thirds of young people who are leaving the church really are doing so because the church is not countering what the world is doing to indoctrinate them against the Bible’s history (particularly in Genesis).

All over the world, the secular humanists (who are a minority in the culture) are gaining ground, capturing new generations of kids. The Already Gone research also showed that children from the church are being lost much earlier than most people think—40% by the end of middle school and another 45% by the end of high school.