Kevin Riley O'Keefe #fundie

An Open Letter to Professor Mark Ellis

by Kevin Riley O'Keeffe

Greetings: I recently read of your contention (popular in today's academic climate) that race is a "social construct." Allow me to suggest that this is a positively ludicrous notion, based entirely on the desire for it to be true on the part of the multiculturalist political left, rather than anything remotely akin to the objective fact that contemporary academia would have us believe.

Virtually all mammalian species (I'm generously assuming you don't regard species as a "social construct") consist of several subspecies. While it's possible that homo sapiens could be one of the rare exceptions, the fact that we are all aware of the existence of these other human subspecies (which, from our naturally sapien-centric view, we tend to refer to as "races," rather than as subspecies) argues rather definitively that we are not such an exception. The idea that you sincerely believe some Congolese cannibal is not a member of a different subspecies from a Swede, or even a Persian or Korean, is laughable, assuming you are not under the thrall of some corrupt religious dogma which requires you to say so, much as Hindus are required to abstain from eating beef.

Religion is all well and good, in so far as it pleases one to adhere to it, and if one wishes to gyrate before an idol of Ba'al, or pray to Jesus, or to believe in racial egalitarianism or some other such superstitious mumbo-jumbo, that is of course one's right. However, to use one's position as a professor of geography (a field, it should be noted, not generally associated with sweeping pronouncements on human physiology) to contaminate the minds of America's young people with one's own personal religious delusions/beliefs, is a terrible crime against truth, moral decency, and the survival of Western Civilization and its Europid creators.

Please keep your seemingly deranged religious views to yourself and try actually being the professor of geography you claim to be, rather than a proselytizer for the multiculturalist civic religion that is currently in the process of eroding everything we have created in the last 5,000 years. If an appeal to your sense of honor is ineffective, then perhaps you should take note of the fact that you are still a rather youngish-looking man and that the current regime is unlikely to last forever. Patriots have long memories, and the American government isn't much more stable than the Soviet regime was 20 years ago, as such extra-Constitutional, fascistic measures as the laughably named "USA Patriot Act" make quite clear. If you continue to commit crimes through the poisoning of the minds of our community's young people, the next regime may feel it necessary for you to be placed on trial for treason, and I or someone very much like me, may well be your judge or prosecutor. I respectfully but adamantly suggest you cease hiding behind academic freedom and the First Amendment in order to continue practicing the psychic equivalent of child molestation, i.e. the deliberate spiritual and intellectual pollution of the minds and souls of our young men and women.


Kevin Riley O'Keeffe of San Jose, California



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