Greg Anthony #fundie

Free Christian Pastor Tony Alamo Framed And Imprisoned 175 Years For Crimes He Did Not Commit

Tony Alamo and his Christian Ministry have been targeted for more than 40 years by US government agencies, including but not limited to the FBI, BATF, CIA and IRS. FBI informants have come forward with sworn testimony they were hired to frame Pastor Alamo for his Biblical and Political views. This sworn testimony was not allowed in his 2008 criminal trial for violations of The Mann Act in which close examination of trial and appeal documents indicate a miscarriage of justice of the worst degree.

Furthermore, this ministry has been falsely depicted as a cult by government officials and an orchestrated media campaign of the ruling elite and Vatican controlled powers in our government. Our goal is to have 82-year-old Pastor Alamo released from prison immediately. He has already served more than 8 years of a 175 year sentence for crimes he did not commit. He is presently in poor health, legally blind and needs proper medical care which he is not receiving in prison.

While the Obama Administration has allowed illegal immigrants to run free on the streets, our same government has made an innocent Christian Pastor a political prisoner simply because his views differ from those in power both in government and on the pulpits.

I am a journalist and radio host who has covered this story for more than a decade and view this case as a travesty of justice that must be corrected since it shows freedom of religion and speech do not exist in the US if your views are contrary to those in power. Please go to my long running radio show archives at my website at or to where my show archives are available, as well.

Further information regarding this travesty of justice can be found at Also, here is a link about a couple FBI undercover agents sworn testimony about how they were hired to Frame Tony. There is much information here at the link below showing how Pastor Alamo was framed but this link provides some more of the specifics.

Please sign this petition and send it to all your freedom loving friends worldwide so we can present a strong case to authorities that Pastor Alamo should be released immediatly.

If former President Clinton could release the biggest tax evader in US history, Mark Rich, we pray authorities at the state or federal level will release this innocent Pastor. Also, after signing please take a look at this insightful You Tube Video about the true nature of The Alamo Ministry.

Also go to website

NOTE: When signing up, all addresses are kept private and confidential but used to prove numbers of collected names are valid, similar to voter registration forms -- so no worries about privacy.

Note: This is just a quick note. Our formal petition letter to authorities is being drafted by friends of the court to be sent to parole authorities, the Gov. of Arkansas, Congressional office holders and the President of the United States -- to be sent once signatures are gathered. Like the Bible says, when one Christian hurts, we all hurt. As we speak, there is an assault worlwide on Christians. No one knows this better than Pastor Tony Alamo who has been framed and jailed for his Christian ministry for 175 years. Please research the subject and help us free Tony.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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