TheLasersShadow #conspiracy

Its more than just the rising sun symbol its the connections that hes going to make with all the major empires the reasoning behind what they do and the controlling hand behind them all. when you do enough research you realize what hes talking about proving is that all the great empires have had the same goals the same symbols ....that we are fighting a 10,000 year plus religion that has never changed.

The people / idea or religion behind Egypt is the same behind Rome which is the same behind the Nazis, Maoists and the Soviets and most assuredly the same people behind Obama and the current day NWO ! Hes talking about the proof of this and more.

I have to summarize greatly but this is the type of thing hes going go into how all the religions and Governments have all been manipulated and created by the same force for lack of a better word.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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