CreationWiki #fundie

One Christian creationist on YouTube who goes by the name VenomFangx has had nothing but headaches since starting his YouTube creation ministry. He is one of those people that you rarely meet that actually has talent for doing videos. He is not boring to watch. And he is very good at making his points. But because of this, and him becoming very popular among Christian YouTubers. He also became a bulls-eye for the Anticreationist group on YouTube. They did not like his ability to refute evolution claims. After several fights, false accusations, threats, and suspended accounts. VenomFangx decided to leave after receiving death threats (Update: video was removed so I suspect the person whom put it up was getting harassed). Death threats that were sent to his parents house naming his parents. And claiming to be from an Islamic group. Which is believed to be a cover for who it really was.

VenomFangx decided that this had gone far enough, so he closed his account and left YouTube. Now the reason this is used as a what not to do. VenomFangx tried to confront every anticreationist on YouTube instead of just ignoring them. This provoked a lot of what happened. You can just type in his name and get over 6,000 hits from the YouTube search engine. Over 95% of the responses are from the anticreationists who hate him. This is why the Christian YouTuber just needs to ignore them and block them. It's really not worth the trouble.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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