Robert Byers #fundie

Its not the math but the presumptions that the problem.
Creationism today would not say the waters of the flood would cover Everest.
First because Everest like almost all or all mountains on earth today are the result of the continents splitting/crashing during the flood year.
These mts poped up only then creationism says.

Whatever mts existed before the flood would of been small most likely. so a lesser depth of water would be needed to cover the earth. We can presume this. I would add also the oceans would not need to be deep but rather were carved deeper during the commotion of the flood year.
Creationism teaches a different looking planet before the flood so you can't just prove us wrong by ignoring our claims.
Math is for kids but research and analysis is for thinking men.

In fact i think they find shells on Everest. cause it moved up with the shells from below.



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