Book Thief #transphobia

Re: "Why are they so transphobic?"

Because we "deny the science entirely"? Ah yes, because taking estrogen pills and getting your dick cut off is exactly what nature intended all along!

And if anyone lurking here is reading this: No, I'm not into getting troons to 41% themselves. Transsexuality is not much different than, say, anorexia. Both involve the afflicted getting horribly depressed, having poor self-image about one-self, and seeking radical physical changes in hopes that it will "cure" said depression. Spoiler warning, it never does. Causing permanent self-harm to your body only drives one further into depression, leading to the aforementioned statistic. The only thing that will help them live long, happy lives is getting treatment for their mental illness.

If we treated anorexia like we do transsexuality, your friends would be starving themselves to get skinnier, even as they were bone-thin, because they believed themselves to be fat, while the media would be promoting anorexia as a perfectly normal and healthy lifestyle, and anyone suggesting anorexics get help for their problem would be thrown in jail for "hatespeech." That's insanity. Yet that's the reality for how transsexuality is revered by Social Justice.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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