various commenters #wingnut #homophobia

( @Trouble_Man )

spoilerSchool districts that hire homosexuals should lose
all government funding.
That's exactly what my new bill #BacklnTheCloset
will do.
They have no business being around our children
and corrupting them.

( @ad_libitum )
@Trouble_Man The sodomites should be rounded up by the government and taken out, or at the minimum arrested and imprisoned (the way the police did it in the 50's), but the best thing would be to finish them off.

( @Rabbi_Spacelaser )
@ad_libitum @Trouble_Man These Pedophiles reproduce by grooming and raping children.

( @Servant_of_Christ )
@Trouble_Man Sad news is the jewish school system is meant for exactly that purpose.

( @Jesus_Is_King_Psalm23 )
@Servant_of_Christ @Trouble_Man that's why it's called edJEWcation.

( @ForTheFutureOf14 )
@Trouble_Man To all of you weak and soft Americans who feel the need to compromise with evil, let alone tolerate it should be exterminated. So tired of seeing these “conservatives” post about how fags, groomers and pedophiles should have any type of role in teaching children. So sick of all of you… when SHTF I’m coming for YOU

( @GreatWhite96 )
@ForTheFutureOf14 @Trouble_Man if you follow hate to the end of its conclusion, the result is cannibalism.
I know, because I hate these faggots so much I want to eat them and shit them out into a pot and feed it to their families.

( @ForTheFutureOf14 )
@GreatWhite96 @Trouble_Man

I just want to watch them burn 🔥

( @RiddleOfSteelStrength )
@Trouble_Man We can only wish this was real.

( @astrobloke )
@Trouble_Man I would vote for this.



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