David Guyll #sexist #conspiracy daegames.blogspot.com

I'd played Helldivers "back in the day", picking it up because it was a four-player couch co-op that my wife and most of our kids could all play together, but wasn't even aware that Helldivers 2 had come out until I saw clips on Twitter. I was surprised at the drastic shift in gameplay and quality, less so that it was woke due to reducing men and women to naught but a pair of body types.

I also wasn't surprised that people who merely claim to be opposed to wokism were still recommending it, as it happened many years ago with Horizon: Zero Dawn, though that wasn't as big a deal because I got it when it was on sale for something like seven bucks. Much more recently there was the live-action One Piece show: apparently blackwashing and overrepresentation are only bad when it happens in recycled Disney slop.

The excuses I tend to get, with body types at any rate, can be generally categorized as "not a big deal" or, somehow, "not woke". To address the latter: the first Helldivers game had you choose male or female. Helldivers 2 changed to body types, as did numerous other, more recent games, entirely by coincidence I'm sure. So, my question is:

How is this shift to remove the very mention of male and female not woke? If it's not to push an agenda, to socially engineer change in what is normal, to stigmatize beauty and celebrate ugliness, to "coerce behavior" as a certain company pouring fucktons of money into DEI/ESG put it, then what is the motivation behind it?

United Christian Churches of Korea, Anti-Homosexuality Christian Solidarity and the Christian Daily and others #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy lgbtqnation.com

In South Korea this month, the conservative People’s Power party suffered big losses as a rejuvenated liberal opposition took a majority of seats in the legislature

The shift in South Korea’s balance of power could signal progress for the country’s embattled LGBTQ+ community[…]
The absence of progress can be traced to lobbying efforts by The United Christian Churches of Korea and other church associations, and to very public hate campaigns by loosely affiliated groups like Anti-Homosexuality Christian Solidarity, who have deep-rooted connections to the country’s political class

Trucks blaring bible verses and warning “Homosexuality is sin” are a common in Seoul, where aged activists roam shopping centers wearing placards denouncing same-sex marriage

Efforts to pass a broad anti-discrimination law through the legislature have failed seven times since 2007[…]
Locally, officials regularly target gay-affirming events and content. When an anti-LGBTQ+ Christian group applied to hold their own event in Seoul the same spot that Pride celebrations take place, the mayor supported the anti-gay eviction. Last year, the mayor of Daegu ordered 500 civil servants to obstruct that city’s Pride festival[…]
It has long been a Christian lobby rallying cry that the mere mention of homosexuality will bring about their imagined “homosexual dictatorship”, a prophecy that includes crumbling family structures, crashing birth rates, an AIDS pandemic, and gay soldiers surrendering en masse to a North Korean invasion[…]
“If such a law is enacted, it is certain that the activities of churches that teach the Bible will be restricted,” the United Christian Churches of Korea wrote in a translated email, “as it does not even allow criticism of homosexuality”[…]
“No matter how overwhelming the majority party is,” a recent editorial in South Korea’s Christian Daily warned officials, “they could face backlash if they recklessly push out legislation that causes social chaos”

Patricia Cota-Robles #fundie #magick #crackpot voyages-of-light.com

Since the Equinox on March 19, 2024, wave after wave after wave of powerful Solar Light Codes from the newly opened Portals within the System of our Grand Central Sun have been blessing the Earth. Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth have all benefited from this influx of Light in amazing and very valuable ways. Humanity’s nervous systems have been strengthened and our ability to “see with new eyes” and “hear with new ears” has been greatly enhanced as well.

At this time, we are being told by the Beings of Light that every person’s I AM Presence is now in position to help us tap into the Sacred Knowledge that will reveal what our Divine Missions will be during this NEW phase of our Ascension process. All we have to do is go within to the Divinity of our Heart Flame and ask our I AM Presence to reveal this profound Truth to us.

Prior to the March Equinox, a Matrix was formed in the Realms of Cause through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth. The Divine Intent of this Matrix is to bring to the surface of each person’s conscious mind the realization that NOW is the time for all of us to clearly perceive the reality of our NEW Divine Missions.


Now, through the power of the Spoken Word and enhanced by the Divine Intervention of the Angel of Resurrection and the Angel of Renewal and Restoration I decree:

I AM the Resurrection and the Life, the Renewal and the Restoration of the Immaculate Concept of my NEW Divine Mission.

I accept that I AM my I AM Presence. I AM a Beloved Child of God. I AM a Disciple of the Holy Spirit. I AM the Open Door for the Light of God that no one can shut.


I AM charging All Life in, through and around the Earth with the full power and might of the 5D Resurrection Flame and the Flame of Renewal and Restoration.

I AM the Cause of this Blessing. I AM the Bridge over which this Sacred Fire flows. I AM the final effect of Divinity reestablished on Earth by this Sacred Fire.

And I AM Cocreating the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth in all of its resplendent Glory in the physical World of form. And so it is, as God in Action,


Dear One, God Bless You. I look forward to being with you next week.

Fighting Monarch #crackpot #conspiracy #magick fightingmonarch.com

<multiple links removed for length>

Everyone in the world is implanted with cybernetics, so the losers in the deep state influence your thoughts, feelings, and motions all the time without you noticing it.

I learned to see how I had been hacked, in part, by studying under a man who had been taught by the spymaster, John Godolphin Bennett, who, in turn, had been taught by the spymaster, George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, not to mention a kung fu master who learned from Beijing’s greatest master, Wang Zhen Hua.

The name of the game is to observe your body and its apparently involuntary movements.

There are really others moving you, just like a video game character, as the little perverts sit in deep underground military bases or associated facilities.

More particularly, you can spot cybernetics by odd-counts on your fingers, since no American or Englishman naturally starts a finger count with their thumb.

Watch your hands move by themselves, and ask: who moved them?

Here’s a simple exercise.

The next time you eat potato chips, or crisps, put them in a bowl, which will slow your caloric intake.

Eat them patiently as you watch t.v., one at a time, using only one hand, as you pick each one up with your fingers and pop it into your mouth.

How long does it take for you to break this simple pattern, as one of your hands picks up a whole bunch of chips and stuffs them into your mouth.

Ask yourself, “Who did that?,” and you will begin to see your slavery.

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy exopolitics.org

In 1935, Edgar Cayce predicted that Russia would be “the hope of the world” by freeing humanity from the modern-day incarnation of the ‘Sons of Belial’ that had previously brought about the destruction of Atlantis. Known generally as a Satanic Cabal, Illuminati, or the Deep State, the ‘Sons of Belial’ have manipulated humanity throughout the ages by contriving international conflicts to bring about major destruction through economic collapses and major regional wars.
April of 2024 was the month when the planned war with Iran was to break out, happening after Israel’s unprecedented strike on an Iranian embassy compound in Damascus, Syria. Like a bad omen, Israel’s strike and Iran’s expected retaliation coincided with peak sunspot activity in our solar system. On April 13, sunspot activity passed 120, and from April 17 – 25, there were over 200 daily sunspots. Studies have shown that major wars consistently breakout during peak sunspot activity.

On April 14, during this peaking of sunspot activity, Iran retaliated against Israel with an unprecedented direct drone and missile strike. Five days later, Israel retaliated with an unprecedented direct drone and missile strike on Iranian territory. Fortunately, Russia intervened to play a critical role in ensuring that Iran constrained its responses to Israel’s attacks, thereby preventing a major regional war from erupting.
Importantly, positive extraterrestrial groups have been aiding Russia to deal with the advanced technologies used by the Deep State in making and conducting its plans. Russia also possesses a very capable, if small, secret space program that it has been using very effectively to neutralize the Deep State’s moves. And finally, Russia’s elite PSI Corps continues to play a critical behind-the-scenes role in anticipating and neutralizing Deep State activities.

Mike Stone #wingnut #quack #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

What we're seeing with the current college student protests is political street theater. It's very similar to the street theater we saw during the virus hoax.

Remember all of those people collapsing on the street in China?

Remember people fighting over toilet paper?

Back then, just as now, almost none of the people who participated in the "pandemic" street theater were aware that they were being used. They thought everything happening around them was real.

Thus we had people donning face diapers and lining up for the kill shot "vaccine," thinking the entire time that they were doing the right thing. To this day, there are tens of millions of people who still believe that the phony pandemic was a real thing, that there was an actual virus going around killing people.
I believe it was Mike King who first went public with the belief that nothing ever happens organically, that every time we see a "color revolution," a street protest, or any sort of mass uprising, it is always the result of a coordinated effort. An effort that is being led by a small handful of individuals.

Thus the students that are out protesting actually believe they are doing the right thing - and they are; it's never wrong to protest a genocide - however, they are unaware that they are being used to create a groundswell of energy against the Democratic Party. Their actions are being coordinated and carried out by a handful of "organizers."
It's this writer's opinion that the protests are actually being orchestrated by the Trump campaign, either by Trump himself, whom I maintain is our acting Commander in Chief, or by other factions who want to see him elected in 2024.

These actions are actually brilliant when you think about it. They are going to get all the braindead Evangelical "Christians" who grovel before the feet of Israel, AND the radical left, who are now super-pissed at the fake Joe Biden presidency, all voting for Trump in November.

valleyshrew #dunning-kruger #psycho #pratt reddit.com

The whole issue of consent is bullshit. Why is sex so special? Other than because a religion tells you it is. Look at how muslim countries approach it, it's illegal to even hold hands. Should holding hands be illegal before the age of consent here? It's just as logical. But I don't think the big religions are in support of a 17 years old age of consent when Mary was only 13 and Mohammad married a 7 year old. If you believe in God, why would he make us biologically sexually active at around 12, if it was wrong to have sex until 17?

The age of consent was upped to 16 to stop the common act of forced child prostitution which was a just law, but it shouldn't apply anymore. My state has a year extra from the others because of crazy puritans. The fact that secular liberal countries have different ages shows how arbitrary and unfair they are.

Do we need to use age in the law? What about driving for another example. If the best 12 year old in the country can pass their driving test and has provably higher ability than any adult, should they not be allowed to drive? There are plenty of 18 year olds psychologically unfit to be driving but they're allowed to because the law is based on age only, and then they go and get other people killed because of it. It doesn't make sense to draw the line based on the position of the Earth around the sun. What would happen if like in many sci-fi stories, adult humans could be farmed much quicker. Would a 6 month old that had the body of a 20 year old have to wait until 37 to have sex? I don't like having laws without clearly defined loopholes that allow the innocent people their basic rights in life, and the most basic is that you own your own body. To me defining a law by age is no more logical than defining it by sex or race. It's accepted females mature quicker than males, if it was really about the psychological maturity necessary for informed consent why aren't there different ages for males and females?

Fschmidt #elitist #psycho #god-complex saidit.net

I am a reactionary. As a reactionary, I voted for gay marriage in California in the 1990s when it lost the vote because I believe that the government has no business regulating marriage which was historically a religious institution and should be that way again. As a reactionary, I strongly support abortion which is eugenic and kills unborn liberals and is supported in the Old Testament and not opposed in the New Testament. Christians who claim that the Bible is against abortion are ignorant morons. As a reactionary, I hate conservatives and liberals equally.

mathlover & RisingUp #transphobia ovarit.com

Gee, I can’t imagine how it must feel to have your words appropriated by people to whom they don’t apply…


( mathlover )
Every "trans" I've ever come across who claims they are "intersex" - aren't. When they describe their symptoms, physical findings, age at diagnosis, how they were diagnosed, and what effects they currently have, it is not consistent with any intersex condition they claim.

It's almost always a male (occasionally a female) who is trying to make a case that they are "really intersex" and it somehow has to do with them being the opposite sex.

( RisingUp )
100% fair and valid point but I would bet money that is actually a TIM LARPing as 'intersex' and getting his violation thrills from the audacity.

Reasons: people with real DSDs don't usually describe themselves as 'intersex'; the OP is hanging out on r/trans; there are 1000x more pervert LARPers than actual people with DSDs; and this smells similar to those maximal-projection posts where TIMs complain about stuff like men perving on them in the ladies' changing rooms.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

What is it really like to have a trans-identifying child? It’s the worst feeling you can ever imagine. Your child, who you raised and loved, now tells you everything you knew about them is wrong, even when you know you are right. You are the parent, after all, charged with the most important job of your lifetime— raising your child to be a healthy responsible adult. Now you can’t do that. You know in your head this is wrong but everyone around you tells you, you must affirm.

The doctors are atrocious. They have no sympathy for you. You are on the same level as a murderer, likely to cause the death of your fragile child. You will never see such disregard or disrespect as a parent, as you do when you question trans ideology when it comes to your child. Your feelings don’t matter. They no longer carry weight, even though, just the day before you were a respected member of society and in your social circles. You will be told you need to get over it. You’re the problem. You have a daughter now. Accept it, or your child will kill “herself”. And it will be your fault.

Your friends shun you. Your family blames you. You’re lucky if your spouse is on the same page. You have no one. You imagine killing yourself to escape. Meanwhile, your child changes their name at school, and receives the accolades of the school staff.

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy twitter.com

BREAKING: Survey indicates sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender dysphoria are all primarily caused by vaccination. If you have data showing otherwise, please link to it. Thanks!

8:22 AM · May 3, 2024 · 6,435 Views
20 Reposts 6 Quotes 68 Likes 11 Bookmarks

Balaji Srinivasan #elitist #wingnut newrepublic.com

To fully grasp the current situation in San Francisco[…]you must listen to Balaji Srinivasan[…]
“Balaji has the highest rate of output per minute of good new ideas of anybody I’ve ever met,” wrote Marc Andreessen[…]in a blurb for Balaji’s 2022 book, The Network State: How to Start a New Country[…]
In 2013, a New York Times story[…]described a speech in which he “told a group of young entrepreneurs that the United States had become ‘the Microsoft of nations’: outdated and obsolescent”[…]
Last October, Balaji hosted the first-ever Network State Conference[…]In a podcast interview one month before[…], Balaji laid out a more disturbing and extreme vision

“What I’m really calling for is something like tech Zionism,” he said, after comparing his movement to those started by the biblical Abraham, Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith[…], Theodor Herzl[…], and Lee Kuan Yew[…]Balaji then revealed his shocking ideas for a tech-governed city where citizens loyal to tech companies would form a new political tribe clad in gray t-shirts[…]
Grays would also receive special ID cards providing access to exclusive, Gray-controlled sectors of the city[…]The Grays would make an alliance with the police[…]
Once an officer joins the Grays, they get a special uniform designed by their tech overlords[…]Then, in a show of force, they’ll march through the city together[…]
Everyone would be welcome at the Gray Pride march—everyone[…]except the Blues. Srinivasan defines the Blue political tribe as the liberal voters he implies are responsible for the city’s problems. Blues will be banned from the Gray-controlled zones, said Balaji, unlike Republicans (“Reds”)

“Reds should be welcomed there, and people should wear their tribal colors,” said Srinivasan, who compared his color-coded apartheid system to the Bloods vs. Crips[…]
“Ethnically cleanse,” he said at one point, summing up his idea for a city purged of Blues (this, he says, will prevent Blues from ethnically cleansing the Grays first)

Conservapedia #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger conservapedia.com

While All in the Family is today considered to be a "groundbreaking" show in the history of television by the liberal media, it is a glaring reminder of Hollywood's unsuccessful attempt to demonize conservatives beginning in the early 1970s. Despite the promotion of liberal values by All in the Family, however, the Politically Incorrect Guide to the 1960s mentioned that audiences looked up to Archie Bunker largely because of his stubborn rejection of the counterculture, and his chair was even included as one of the most famous exhibits in the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History.

shewolfoffrance, FeminismIs4Women & TheKnitta #transphobia ovarit.com

women in porn are considered more “worthwhile” than men

( shewolfoffrance )

they need guidance, help

I completely agree. And I propose that all young men considering "going girl" be sent to a lockdown facility for at least one year where they are cut off from internet access, video games, and porn (needless to say). Every day, they will be forced to complete moderate exercise, eat nutritious meals, and study a skilled trade. They will be taught basic life skills, such cooking and cleaning. Daily exposure to sunlight and fresh air is mandatory. If, at the end of one year, they still wish to transition, their balls will be cut off.

( FeminismIs4Women )
Except for the last part, this sounds like a high end service. Like rehab for losers.

( shewolfoffrance )
There's a cheaper service, but it's just hard labor.

They still get their balls cut off if they choose TiMfoolery.

( TheKnitta )
Of course they’re jealous of the women in porn. They only see them as fuckholes and the resultant orgasm. That’s why they trans and try to be those women, then get angry when actual women won’t play along with their fantasy.

It’s bullshit that’s making those men unhappy. Bullshit of their own making. Stop living online and watching porn 24/7 and you’ll be happier. Selfish assholes.

John Horvat II #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy returntoorder.org

In the eyes of liberals, there is only one thing worse than Christian nationalism. It is white Christian nationalism. The addition of the adjective white supercharges the expression with vitriol and power, turning its followers (especially if they are male) into something everyone should love to hate.
People would think this white Christian nationalism, being such a broad and imminent threat, must have many ways of expressing itself and exerting its enormous influence over the population. It must have an articulate doctrine and a means of diffusing itself into every sector of society. It must have books, publications, think tanks and political organizations building its cause—a power base proportional to this overwhelming influence.

However, no vast network of influence exists. Aside from racist fringe groups with no projection, there is nothing in real America that remotely matches the description or even uses the WCN name. Most people cannot name a white Christian nationalist or say they know one personally. They also cannot recall growing up under this influence or hearing of its existence.

Indeed, to use the language of the liberals waxing hysterical over WCN, this danger is a social construct that exists much more in their superheated imaginations than in the public square. The expression serves to malign anyone who questions the woke agenda or takes their religion seriously. It is not meant to describe reality.
Politically, liberals use WCN as a social construct to help them explain the 2016 victory of Donald Trump and frame the upcoming elections. However, it is really a socialist construct since it creates a class struggle narrative of resentful white oppressors in the face of a class of woke oppressed.

Thus, the WCN moniker must be rejected for what it is: a social (and socialist) construct without foundation in reality that shifts the debate away from the serious existential questions and principles that need to be discussed for the nation’s future.

Medeea Greere #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy amg-news.com

As the ominous clouds of a possible ‘Scare Event’ gather over our horizon, it’s high time we, the citizens of this global community, unite. With potential threats looming – a nuclear false flag, a strategic blackout, cyber attacks – we need to keep our resolve unshaken.

We must trust in the benevolent force, in God, and stay on mission. Indeed, the storm is approaching, but so is the dawn of a new era. It’s ‘BQQM Time’ and it promises a grand finale. Brace yourselves, for we are entering a phase of immense transformation.
The alarm bells have been ringing. There’s a whisper in the air, a tremble beneath our feet. Could it be? Is the scare event on the horizon? As much as we’d love to dismiss these harbingers as mere conspiracy theory, we cannot ignore the clear and present danger they represent.
In times of turmoil and uncertainty, trust becomes our anchor. It grounds us and gives us the strength to keep going. For many, that trust lies in the divine. ‘In God we trust’ is not merely a slogan; it’s a mantra for survival.

Faith is the armor that shields us from despair. And this faith, this trust, is not just in the divine, but also in the Patriots, the champions of the Republic, who work tirelessly behind the scenes to protect our nation and its ideals.

Just as President Trump served as the leader of the free world, the Patriots carry the same torch, illuminating our path through the storm.
The scare event might be imminent, but remember: every scare event is also a wake-up call. A reminder that only at the precipice do we evolve. So, brace yourselves. It’s ‘BQQM Time’, and the finale might just be the beginning of a new chapter.

So, as the storm approaches, remember this: every storm passes. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. In the end, it’s not about who wins the war games or who survives the blackout. It’s about who stays united, who stays on mission, who keeps the faith. After all, even in the most devastating storms, God wins.

TM #wingnut #fundie #crackpot #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

The Good The Bad And The Fugly

In Our Present State One Must Consider Standing In The Position That All That Is Occuring On Our Planet Is Eventually For The Ultimate Good Of All…
Even All Of This Weather Modification.
There Isn’t Any Such Thing :As The False Science Implies As Climate Change Or Global Warming.

It Is All Of It ,Fear Mongering To Control The Masses… Such As In Allowing The Psychosis Of The Media To Create The Patterns Of History Through Human Mind Modification…

Therefore Do Not Allow Your Attention To Be Distracted… With The Exception; If You Are In Ground Zero.
In The End …
We Will All Of Us Experience Our Own…
Come To Jesus Moment In Time …
Giving Thanx And Accepting These Tough Blessons In Our Lives…
We Will Endure ,One Hope’s In Humility and Grace…
That Which Doesn’t Break Us
Will Only Make Us Stronger.
All Things Must Pass
As We Continue To Be Tested .

Place Your Beliefs Within The Loving Embrace Of Our Father…
Asking For Clarity And Grace From Our Mother…
Trusting In The Love Of The Son
That If We Are To Remain On Earth In Order To UpLift Humanity That We Will All Have A Place Within The Peaceful Paradigm Of The Reformation And Restoring This Earthly Paradise To It’s Originally Intended Form. In Order To Be Reestablished Within Creation ;
Before The Corruption Of The Fugly…

I AM Placing ALL Of My TRUST On Creator.

Only This, Allows Me To Navigate These End Of Days With The Semblance Of Inner Peace And Ease That Our Creator Has Intended Before Our Final Release.

Chattanooga Civilization via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #racist #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

We are Chattanooga Civilization greeting everyone on your planet. This our first communication to your kind in a very long time.

We visited Earth millions years ago. Our spaceship had a technical issue, and our commander decided to land on unknown territory. We didn’t know what to expect, so we took our chances to land in the so called North America. The area was covered with many trees and bushes. We didn’t expect to meet anyone in this land secluded by nature. As soon as our ship made an emergency landing, a group of people with painted faces and clothes made from animal skins appeared and bowed to us.
The name Chattanooga has direct origins from our appearance on Earth. Your Native Indians were fascinated with our face look, so they tried to create their own version, but they wanted to make it look more intimidating, so they made war bonnets from feathers and animal skin pieces, which they wore on their heads. We told them, if they continued to advance as a civilization, they were going to develop similar technologies to ours. We are from the 10th dimension, during our interaction with humans we were only in the 7th dimension.
We found a new place to live in a Cryptonic Universe. There are over a couple of thousands of different size of planets and stars, which are livable. Not all of them are occupied. It’s a huge Universe, the space between each planet can be thousands light years away. Nobody bothers each other, because of being in a 10th dimensional reality Galactic Civilizations live in peace between each other. Our planet is named Chattanooga. It has two moons and three suns.

We are not familiar with diseases, humankind goes through on Earth. We live a long time from 150,000 to 500,000 years. The soul can always exit earlier and switch the body, experience life in another dimension or civilization. We are not restricted or stuck in our bodies. The restrictions exist in low dimensions like the 3D Matrix or even lower like 2D.

Harmonica #racist identitydixie.com

[From “Did the Union Prevent a Southern Haiti?”]

One common claim from White Nationalist Yankees is that the Union’s victory in the War of Northern Aggression ended up being a good thing for White Southerners as it helped prevent Dixie from becoming a large-scale Haiti[…]Dixie alone would have eventually become majority black and, with that, would have become a ticking timebomb that sooner or later would have turned into a Haitian-style black revolution or a large-scale massacre of the White population[…]It’s claimed the consolidation and reforming of the United States after the War ensured that the Union remained overwhelmingly White and thus the threat of a black revolution was mitigated

It’s a fear that many White Southerners shared in the days leading up to the War. But many Southerners correctly saw that the radical Yankee abolitionists were increasing the chances of turning Dixie into an ill-fated Saint-Domingue[…]I do not think there was any real danger of Dixie becoming the next Haiti, the conditions between the two were simply too different[…]
Modern White Nationalists who insist Dixie is demographically similar to Haiti are only superficially looking at the problem. At the eve of the Haitian Revolution, Haiti was over 90% black. By contrast, the South[…]was nothing like Haiti. It is true that two states – South Carolina and Mississippi – had majority black populations, but their White population was still comparable. The rest of Dixie was majority White and, in certain areas, like Appalachia, it was overwhelmingly White[…]
So, despite what certain White Nationalists claim, the Yankee army did not save us from becoming Haiti, the conditions were too great for that to happen. By understanding what happened in Haiti, Southerners can better understand that the Yankee army was in no way a force for good (either in the short or long term). It was a force of destruction. It is also why, despite claims to the contrary, a Free Dixie was viable

Tatsuya Ishida #wingnut #racist #conspiracy sinfest.xyz

[Submitter’s note: In recent comics, the riot cops have been shown to be tools of oppression under control of the Anti-Defamation League]


A morbidly obese, non-white woman of ambiguous race, apparently a college professor teaching a class, points to a whiteboard.

Panel 1 - Professor says: “All white people are racist demons.”
Whiteboard says “Wypipo bad kill mayo monkey”, displays a bloody knife and severed head
Panel 2 - Professor says: “Whiteness is a disease, a plague that needs to be wiped out”
Panel 3 - Professor says: “Oh, and free Palestine”
Panel 4 - Riot cops beat her in front of the class

Stew Peters and Kandiss Taylor #fundie #psycho rightwingwatch.org

(Submitter's Note: the phrase “extreme accountability” is a Peters-ism for, “public executions of people whose only crime is I, Stew Peters, personally do not like them.”)

“We need to make church the state’s business again,” (Stew) Peters said. “We need to bring Jesus Christ to the state, and we need to eradicate any form of government that is oppressive to the individual rights, individual liberty, prosperity, peace, liberty, property, of anything, our God-given inherent, unalienable rights, and replace that with a form of government that’s representative of the people and God’s law.”

“We are the church and we run the state,” (Kandiss) Taylor replied. “Even if they don’t believe it to be so, it is a fact. And if they keep pushing around with American people, and they keep playing all these games, they’re gonna find!”

“How are they gonna find out?” Peters asked. “How are they gonna FAFO [fuck around and find out]?”

“Extreme accountability,” Taylor answered.

“I love it,” Peters gushed. “You’re speaking my language.”

Centurion030 #transphobia deviantart.com

As you have said, and certainly Dr. James Lindsay and others have stated as well, it is a cult.

The fact that they are salty against J.K Rowling speaking OUT about biological men demanding to be in women's shelters and prisons speaks volumes about their mind set: normal is capital (to be abolished.)

I LOVED how she stood up against that "hate" law.

Forward Synthesis #elitist #wingnut datasecretslox.com

[Universal franchise] made things worse. Abolishing the vote for most of both blacks and whites would be preferred, but I'm not a believer in absolute equality to begin with, so I don't care if we get there by bits and pieces. You're getting into the danger zone as soon as the voters don't comprise a small aristocracy of people who all know each other and have a vested interest in upholding a foundational constitution. Every little step away from ideal is bad, so yes, letting blacks vote more easily was worse for long term societal outcomes.

Iraqi parliament and MP Raed al-Maliki #homophobia #transphobia theguardian.com

Iraq’s parliament has passed a bill making same-sex relations punishable by up to 15 years in prison[…]
Transgender people will also be sentenced to three years in jail under the amendments to a 1988 anti-prostitution law, which were adopted during a session attended by 170 out of 329 lawmakers on Saturday

A previous draft had proposed capital punishment for same-sex relations, in what campaigners had called a “dangerous” escalation. The new amendments enable courts to sentence people to between 10 and 15 years in prison, according to the document seen by AFP, in a country where gay and transgender people already face frequent attacks and discrimination

They also set a minimum seven-year prison term for “promoting” same-sex relations and a sentence ranging from one to three years for men who “intentionally” act like women

The amended law makes “biological sex change based on personal desire and inclination” a crime and punishes trans people and doctors who perform gender reassignment surgery with up to three years in prison[…]
The amendments also ban organisations that “promote” homosexuality and punish “wife swapping” with a prison sentence of 10 to 15 years

Lawmaker Raed al-Maliki, who advanced the amendments, told AFP that “the law serves as a preventive measure to protect society from such acts”

He said passing the new amendment had been postponed until after the visit of the Iraqi prime minister, Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani, to the US[…]
The US and the EU oppose the law and “we didn’t want to impact the visit,” he said

“It is an internal matter and we do not accept any interference in Iraqi affairs”[…]
Human Rights Watch’s Iraq researcher Sarah Sanbar said the new law change “is a horrific development and an attack on human rights”

“Rather than focusing on enacting laws that would benefit Iraqis – like passing the draft domestic violence law or draft child protection law – Iraq is choosing to codify discrimination against LGBT people”

Russ Winter #wingnut #racist #conspiracy winterwatch.net

Postmodernism is a political ideology that developed in the late 20th century. It’s characterized by subjectivism and relativism and deconstructs Enlightenment concepts of reason, objectivity and merit. The root idea is that “everything is a social construct.” Thus, it asks, how can one identify and qualify merit.

The other root idea is that no real effort, insight or knowledge is required to achieve and have value in society. The end goal is leveling and is little different than the Illuminist revolutions described by Nesta Webster.
Postmodernists don’t truly believe everything is subjective, or “not real” (aka Cartoon or Clown World). After “disproving” existing reality, they choose a very specific new reality. They use subjectivism as a strategy to destabilize established thinking and tear down the pillars of Western establishment so that they may recreate society with their own Illuminist vision.

That vision is a socially-engineered “utopia” of anti-meritocracy, tyranny of the minority, pseudo-science, Orwellian double-think and control over speech and behavior.

This is the “everyone is a winner” cargo-cult philosophy. Cargo-cult thinking is the belief that if we simply emulate the visual evidence of achievement through materialism, then real achievement will follow automatically. If you build it, they will come.
The cult, once in ascendancy, can pursue the subjugation of the majority of the population (in this case, by targeting majority “identity groups”) on behalf of a numerically faux-oppressed elite (minority groups), who tell everyone else how they should think and what they can do and say. This is a bizarre “tyranny of the minority” or idiocracy/kakistocracy.
As the plebs inevitably begin to struggle and revolt against corporatism due to the externalities of predatory profit maximization, the Crime Syndicate Owners can opportunistically use postmodernism as an efficient way to suppress them.

DanlBoon #wingnut #crackpot #racist #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

This is where we are at a stalemate of Resident Biden getting us into actual weapons WWIII war and CIC Trump moving into position of our present financial Republic WWIII war.

We have been going on for weeks and months for the RV, NESARA, GCR, QFS, R&R and EBS to be implemented, yet that has been stalled for our public unknown reasons.
Trump, the White Hats, the Chinese Elders and all the 1,600 world military generals are doing their own things, but are not in a final position of what the real answer is to get this done.
Now it is time for someone to pick up the pieces and get a so-called scare tactic out there providing an incentive for both sides to take advantage of it and it puts it in check of everyone here in America of what we are to do and who is willing to get involved, along with receiving their R&R and NESARA funds.

The Deep State called for the US Military Draft after the attack on Pearl Harbor and it was the Deep State that got us into WWII in the first place, but now we turn the tables on them and get it going for our own reasons and not theirs.

I am not promoting an actual weapons WWIII war, but it can get the illegal immigrants out of the country if they do not want to serve on our USA Republic side, which they will be deported as they cannot serve as Americans, and it also gets the lawful Sovereign Americans to be put in place to know what to do to receive their funding and check them off the list if they do not deserve them.
If we have the med beds then everyone can get in shape to serve in the US Military and there will be no more obese or unhealthy people, male, female and other genders. There will be no excuses this time as there are always positions to serve in public service while being handicapped.
Someone should put this out there so we can protest to get this financial WWIII finished and we The People take control even with our protest about this and get the January 6 protestors out of jail free of charge.

Heather Mac Donald and Megyn Kelly #racist #wingnut #conspiracy angrywhitemen.org

On The Megyn Kelly Show, Heather Mac Donald endorsed the[…]“Great Replacement” conspiracy theory. Mac Donald, a fellow at the right-wing Manhattan Institute, declared that the “Great Replacement theory is real”[…]
While discussing campus protests against colleges doing business with Israel, Mac Donald said that conservatives should “shut down as much of the universities as we can” and “create as many alternatives as we can.” She added that they also must “speak up for Western civilization” and its values: “equality, tolerance, human rights, limited government”

“These are all exclusively Western ideas,” she said. “They came out of no place outside of the West. They didn’t come out of Africa. They didn’t come out of China. They didn’t come out of Arabia. They didn’t come out of India. And now the Left uses the bounty of beautiful Enlightenment ideas to try and tear down the Enlightenment”[…]
Mac Donald pivoted to giving a full-throated endorsement of the[…]“Great Replacement” conspiracy theory[…]
“The Great Replacement theory is real,” she declared. “We have decided to destroy our birthrate and to flood our country with cultures that en masse — en masse — are not compatible. We cannot assimilate the number of people who are coming, and we’ve decided we don’t even want to try”

And she said the “most galling thing” was that “the Left” claims that the U.S. and Europe are “fundamentally hostile to people of color” while at the same time claiming that Western nations are “oppressive” for not allowing in “millions of people” from “Third World places of color”[…]
“You can’t say that the West is endemically lethal to people of color, and at the same time say we want as many people of color to come in illegally into Western countries as possible because that’s where their lives will be improved[…]You get one or the other”

Kelly wholeheartedly agreed with Mac Donald, and mockingly said “That’s right. Or as they now put it, it’s not safe for brown and Black bodies”

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Some of the questions sent to the NB male invited to the École Polytechnique remembrance

( Kaboodle )
The question I would add, “how does the psychopathy of trans-identified males compare with the psychopathy of incel males who commit femicide?

( OneStarWolf )
I’m imagining a Venn diagram that overlaps in an almost perfect circle. That incel shooter would almost definitely identify as trans today if he could.

( Carrots90 )
When the murderous doucheLepine came in to ‘kill feminists’ the women explained they weren’t feminists

He killed them anyway

Sounds like they couldn’t identify out of violence against women and girls

Here are some of my questions for the gentleman speaking as a laydeee

-do you think he would have killed the man who said he wasn’t a man or the woman who said she wasn’t a woman?

-would it have been violence for the DoucheLepine to NOT attack a man wearing nail polish?

-if it was ‘gender’ based violence, and you can’t tell someone’s gender by looking at them, how did he know who to kill?

-if sex isn’t real, how did he happen to only kill the AFABs?

-why the fvck are you here? Why are you acting as anything other than a quiet supporter who is quiet and no talking and keeps his male mouth?

( NastasyaFillipovna )
So the event was to mourn women who died, and the best keynote speaker they could find was a male? WTF is wrong with Canadian Academia?

"Would you rather (a) be shot and killed in a femicide incel terrorist attack, as that would be gender affirming, or (b) have your life spared because clearly you are a man?"

LOL at the balding question.

The organizers of this event are the real villains though. What on earth were they thinking?! A complete insult to the memories and families of the murdered women.

Dave Shanken #pratt #wingnut vdare.com

First of all, the Liberals are the dominant group politically in the US and other Western nations. Therefore what Liberals want they usually get; no surprise to anyone with a knowledge of human events.

Second, the opposition to Liberals, classified as conservative by Prothero, is made of of disparate and often opposing groups, many favor/don't oppose the great Liberal victories of which Prothero boosts: legal pot and legal sodomy. Destroying freedom to own guns, an issue that all non-Liberals oppose, has not gone gone too well for the Liberals, as even the professor concedes. Internet freedom is still with us, in spite of massive Liberal opposition.

Also, while JFK might be classified as Liberal, in no way could Thomas Jefferson be considered Liberal. Jefferson flourished in the 18th century, today's political categories are not relevant.

Douglas J. Davis #racist #fundie instagram.com

Douglas J. Davis falsely accused his Uber driver of antisemitism because his family was too big for the car.
4 times Grammy Award winner Douglas J Davis booked an uber black car for 4 instead of an suv for 5 without child seats.
And when the Uber driver refused to transport them for safety reasons, the man immediately started playing victim.

Davis to the driver: "Im being harassed. You're racially profiling us".
Driver: "you're saying I racially profiles you? You're 5 people, and you book a black car?"

Davis: "you're threatening me. I feel threatened. You're threatening my children.

You got out of the car, that makes you the aggressor, thats how the law works.
I heard you saying under your breath that they look jewish"
Driver: "you're sick"

Rawal Actual #racist #crackpot twitter.com

In historic terms, better at what exactly?
Military? Hell no.
Religion? Hell no.
Architecture? Hell no.
Art? Hell no.
Science and the Scientific method? Hell no.
Writing? Hell no.
Literature? Not even close.
Medicine? Nope.
Linguistics? Lol no.
Engineering? Nope.

Bureaucracy? Yep. Certainly. They are inventors of an autocratic state run by babudom.

Nearly everything worthy of human appreciation was born in Roman, Hellenic, Persian and Indic Empires. Chinese have been nothing more than footnotes. Nothing beautiful or glorious came out of those barbarians.

I would be glad to appreciate them, there is no evidence of theoretical 'Chinese superiority'.

They are a rice-munching civilization which bred like rats for thousands of years just to slaughter each other again and again, then repeat, copy paste.

Wayne Allyn Root #forced-birth #wingnut facebook.com

2/3rds of US households have a dog. Most people I know treat dogs like their children. They might love them more than their children- because a dog never leaves & never disagrees. Thats how I know Kristi Noem made worst mistake in political history. She brags about killing puppy for acting excited & having fun while hunting. OMG. Some of u didn’t get it. Worst optics in history. Her career should be over. Anyone who brags about killing a dog for being hard to train…or because it kills a few chickens…is a heartless, nasty person. Thats what puppies do! But it’s funny how Democrats are shocked by this story…but they want to murder babies until moment of birth. They should all be disqualified for being heartless, nasty killers. It goes both ways. Value life.

Darth One #sexist #homophobia the-sietch.com

We have disorders for behavioral, psychological, and social aspects of a person. Why can't the concept for sex and sexuality exist also?

Men and women were made for each other. Attraction exists to encourage reproduction. That is why sex feels so good, to encourage that behavior to proliferate the species.During sex, the man and woman would feel close so the child could be raised in a loving home. Men and women had separate tendencies that encouraged unique fulfilling roles.

This use to be a fundamental clear, concise truth but for some reason we can't acknowledge it anymore.

D R Warring #ableist #crackpot #fundie amazon.com

Ever feel like you struggle to find the faith to receive healing for your child from autism? Or wonder if you are fighting against the will of God with your prayers?

I once did. Our good Father does not want you to wonder. His Word makes it clear we can look to it and know His will on a great many things - including autism spectrum disorder.

Filled with scriptural proof and revelation by the Holy Spirit, this book will help you discover the truth that will set you free, so you'll know with certainty that autism is not God's will for your child (nor you!). The revelatory teachings found in this book shine the light of His Word onto this disorder fully exposing how it exalts itself against the will of God, so you may take authority over autism in Jesus' name.

If you're praying for autism to be healed for your child, then this is a great book to add to your faith arsenal, and may its words destroy every lie the enemy has ever spoken to you about this disorder which is not of God: "For God is NOT the Author of DISORDER but of peace," (1 Corinthians 14:33).

Jesus Took Autism Book Series:

Book 1: Autism Is Not God's Will for Your Child (Nor You!): Scriptural Proof This Disorder Exalts Itself Against the Will of God, So You May Take Authority Over Autism in Jesus' Name
Book 2: Head to Toe Healing from Autism and Other Neuroimmune Disorders - A Book of 31 Scriptural Prayers for Your Child
Book 3: No! God Didn't Give You a Child with Autism: He Gave You Victory Over Autism Through the Power of the Word

Dr Shannon Kroner #ableist #dunning-kruger #pratt #quack amazon.ca

I’m Unvaccinated and That’s OK!



I'm Unvaccinated and That's OK! is the story of an unvaccinated child named Nicholas Novaks, who shares the many reasons why his parents have chosen not to vaccinate him. Nicholas explains his parents’ personal concerns about vaccine injury, the importance of finding a doctor they can trust and openly speak with, the research they did before making this decision, and what life is like for an unvaccinated child who has an older, vaccine-injured sibling.

Inspired by the personal stories of vaccine-injured children, which have been shared with Dr. Shannon Kroner over many years of working with special needs families, Dr. Kroner aims to raise awareness of the importance of vaccine choice and the necessity of doing the research before making an important decision such as vaccination.

Join Nicholas as he shares what it means to be an unvaccinated child in today’s world and why one's personal choice regarding vaccination must always be respected.

preview pages






Tatsuya Ishida #racist #magick sinfest.xyz

[From “April 21, 2024: Hyperborea 3”]


Panel 1: In a carnival, a young blue-clad boy wearing a yarmulke is standing near a high striker
Panel 2: The boy is taking the hammer
Panel 3: The boy has difficulties trying to lift the hammer
Panel 4: The boy leaves, angry. Meanwhile, a blond girl is walking by
Panel 5: The girl ias seen the hammer
Panel 6: The girl has lifted the hammer
Panel 7: The girl is moving the hammer in the air
Panel 8: The hammer has striken the base of the tower
Panel 9: The puck has striken the bell
Panel 10: White confettis are raining on the girl
Panel 11: The carnie is giving to the girl a doll representing a Norse girl
Panel 12: While the girl has gone to her father, the hammer is displaying a Celtic triquetra

Anti-Language Award

Spooky_Heejin #racist #sexist incels.is

Hoeflation: Dysgenic inbred 2/10 Asian zogbot in the army gets a 9/10 nigtard.

The US military is now letting their zogbot army post their sexual fetishes online. Imagine saying "muh, i let black guys fuck me" for the world to see in your army uniform that's representing the hundreds of thousands of men who died for the country you live in.

This short inbred 2/10 zipperhead is getting with a 6 foot plus nigger who completely mogs her in every way possible. Imagine how fugly the child will look. I guarantee you if it's a son and he doesn't get the bbc genes he's toast and will likely become a member on here. It goes to show if that's the best he can get, then all of us here are fucked forever.

fred kline #racist #conspiracy msn.com

For over a year I have tried hard to understand this concept of inherent white privilege. Every time I read an article; talk to someone; watch a serious video report, I end up with the same feeling: this is some subtle and grotesque manipulation to advance some kind of racist agenda. You can feel the words intended to impart feelings of guilt and shame that is totally without merit. It is at best contrived nonsense, At worst a subtle racist conspiracy. Everyone should categorically reject this provocative propaganda.

Allen Wall #pratt #pratt vdare.com

If you get right down to it, The Texas Revolution does provide a lesson—in reverse—for today. Anglo-American settlers first entered Texas under the terms of an agreement with the King of Spain and later the government of Mexico. They didn't assimilate, became a majority and eventually seceded.

The root problem here is not the Alamo or anything that happened there. The root problem is that a growing segment of our citizenry, including many born in the U.S., choose not to identify with our country.

And that, my friends, is a very real problem indeed.

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

These anecdotes are hard to explain if the vax is safe. From a friend: “I can’t believe how much this vaccine has affected our family. Lost my father-in-law to turbo cancer he developed three months after he’s second shot. My other brother has turbo cancer now. I just lost two friends a week apart. It’s so heartbreaking.”
12:46 PM · Apr 28, 2024 · 178.4K Views
523 Reposts 17 Quotes 2,133 Likes 129 Bookmarks

Ray Comfort #fundie twitter.com

Do You Carry Tracts?

You and I are in a fight for the souls of the lost. We are told to fight the good fight of faith. Are you armedfor battle? Do you always carry Gospel tracts? They are bullets in your gun. So don't leave home without them. The enemy wants to shoot you to pieces. Here's how to enter combat. Walk up to the enemy. Give him a warm greeting. Say, "Good morning. How are you?" That will disarm him. Then draw! Whip out a tract and ask, "Did you get one of these?" The purpose of the "bullet" is to get him to surrender to your will. Your desire is to speak to him about God, and the tract will quickly get you there. So, get yourself a good reputation as one who is quick on the draw.

There goes another minute. Gone forever. Go share your faith while you still have time.
1:03 AM · Apr 27, 2024 · 8,598 Views
24 Reposts 2 Quotes 175 Likes 12 Bookmarks

legopants #transphobia ovarit.com

We should start using the term "trans privilege" or at least way more often
Not only because it'll infuriate the extremists on the left and TRAs, but because it's true for TiMs. I know a lot is male privilege blended in too but adding a trans identity seems to get you more in certain situations.

Trans privilege is having your concerns about healthcare in America listened to by politicians and or professionals.

Trans privilege is being able to go online without seeing hatred in the form of jokes or memes or comments because it'll be immediately deleted or full of support in the replies.

Trans privilege is getting people banned for making you uncomfortable when misogynistic, racist, or homophobic people being reported stay.

Trans privilege is people agreeing the way you're fetishized in porn is disgusting and not right.

Trans privilege is having a double mastectomy covered by insurance when women with documented pain and discomfort can't get even reduction, or when women have to raise funds somehow to remove the literal cancer from her breast by mastectomy.

Trans privilege is being able to decide how people should think about you and view you when nobody in the world can.

Trans privilege is getting subreddits deleted from existence because you don't like it when rape subs and other abusive shit exists.

Trans privilege is avoiding jail time or getting a lesser punishment after a crime.

Trans privilege is being allowed to send violent rape and death threats to women and have it be justified by all.

Trans privilege is being able to claim a genocide despite literally nobody dying for their identity when the War on Women or femicide is deemed not happening or not important.

Trans privilege is deciding you're allowed in any group you want to be in regardless of if it's for something specific that you're not.

Trans privilege is being invited to speak to the president or interviewed by news stations about your "human rights" or whatever.

Trans privilege is getting away with gaslighting and abusing everyone you ever meet.

Trans privilege is the police taking you seriously when you say you feel unsafe because of someone and investigating them.

Trans privilege is demanding someone find you attractive and date you with people agreeing.

Trans privilege is being sympathized with when you shoot up an elementary school.


Dairugger #dunning-kruger #elitist #wingnut archive.ph

Omar's daughter decries 'hypocrisy,' says anti-Israel students are '100% targeted' after suspension and arrest

Yeah... when you make an ass out of yourself and break a whole slew of laws you are targeted and punished. In other words Fuck Around and Find Out!

Here's the real kicker she going on mommy's talking point of being subjected to a chemical attack... somehow getting a snoot full of a novelty crap spray you can get off Amazon for $10 pales in comparison to Chorine Gas, Mustard Gas, VX Nerve gas, Agent Orange, or Zyklon B!

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