Russ Winter #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

Postmodernism is a political ideology that developed in the late 20th century. It’s characterized by subjectivism and relativism and deconstructs Enlightenment concepts of reason, objectivity and merit. The root idea is that “everything is a social construct.” Thus, it asks, how can one identify and qualify merit.

The other root idea is that no real effort, insight or knowledge is required to achieve and have value in society. The end goal is leveling and is little different than the Illuminist revolutions described by Nesta Webster.
Postmodernists don’t truly believe everything is subjective, or “not real” (aka Cartoon or Clown World). After “disproving” existing reality, they choose a very specific new reality. They use subjectivism as a strategy to destabilize established thinking and tear down the pillars of Western establishment so that they may recreate society with their own Illuminist vision.

That vision is a socially-engineered “utopia” of anti-meritocracy, tyranny of the minority, pseudo-science, Orwellian double-think and control over speech and behavior.

This is the “everyone is a winner” cargo-cult philosophy. Cargo-cult thinking is the belief that if we simply emulate the visual evidence of achievement through materialism, then real achievement will follow automatically. If you build it, they will come.
The cult, once in ascendancy, can pursue the subjugation of the majority of the population (in this case, by targeting majority “identity groups”) on behalf of a numerically faux-oppressed elite (minority groups), who tell everyone else how they should think and what they can do and say. This is a bizarre “tyranny of the minority” or idiocracy/kakistocracy.
As the plebs inevitably begin to struggle and revolt against corporatism due to the externalities of predatory profit maximization, the Crime Syndicate Owners can opportunistically use postmodernism as an efficient way to suppress them.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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