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Wayne Allyn Root #forced-birth #wingnut

2/3rds of US households have a dog. Most people I know treat dogs like their children. They might love them more than their children- because a dog never leaves & never disagrees. Thats how I know Kristi Noem made worst mistake in political history. She brags about killing puppy for acting excited & having fun while hunting. OMG. Some of u didn’t get it. Worst optics in history. Her career should be over. Anyone who brags about killing a dog for being hard to train…or because it kills a few chickens…is a heartless, nasty person. Thats what puppies do! But it’s funny how Democrats are shocked by this story…but they want to murder babies until moment of birth. They should all be disqualified for being heartless, nasty killers. It goes both ways. Value life.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #transphobia #wingnut

There’s only 1 other explanation for offending every Christian in USA on most holy day of yr…Dems know they’ve rigged election…so they’re just laughing at us. They can say & do anything they want, because it doesn’t matter. They already know results.

FOXNEWS.COM Trump demands Biden issue apology over 'blasphemous' Trans Visibility Day on Easter Sunday: 'Appalling'

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

You have no idea the hatred and rage my old Columbia U. classmate Obama has for Trump, America, capitalism & the Jews. It’s all on display at Columbia & Trump’s communist show trial in NYC. This is the canary in the coal mine. My latest commentary will be out within minutes.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

SHOW & TELL: Democrats finished. No one believes lies/gaslighting anymore. Why? SHOW & TELL. Remember from 3rd grade? U need to see it to believe it. U can hide stolen election…vaccine deaths…open border. Hard to actually see. But everyone can see & feel INFLATION in bank account & wallet/pocketbook & monthly budget & paycheck.