
Nick Land #fundie xenosystems.net

Of which it is said (I do not pretend to grasp more than a pitiful sliver of this): “Pepe has guided humanity since time immemorial. This is Heqet, the frog-headed Ancient Egyptian goddess, symbol of life and protector on the journey to the afterlife. She guided the ancient Egyptians who transcended normie-ism to a land of poorly drawn dick-girls and the dankest of memes. A little known fact is that while normies evolved from the famously social monkeys, those destined to browse dank memes alone in dimly-lit rooms evolved from another species who also prefers dark moist habitats, namely the frog.”

The name ‘Kek’ appears to have crossed into Cyberspace by odd coincidence (and not — originally — as a name at all). Orcish, Korean, and Turkish languages were all supposedly involved. ‘Kek’ was an encryption of ‘LOL’ within certain World of Warcraft communication channels. The Turkish ‘Topkek‘ (a cupcake brand) was a secondary coincidence. No one seems to have been invoking the chaos deities of Ancient Khem at that point.

The introduction of Pepe — a manifest frog-entity avatar — is shrouded in even greater obscurity. The memetic phenomenon was (again, apparently) convergent, or coincidental — an entirely independent frog plague [Hebrew letters ,Exodus 7:25–8:15).

One more coincidence: Outbreak of the ‘cuck‘ meme. (Kek is Kuk.) It’s a definite ‘barbarous name of evocation‘ in retrospect, but mostly still connected around the back. Kek, Kuk, cake, cuck, might sound like consistent croaking, but tidy cultural cladistics are difficult to identify. (A sense of ethno-religious crisis on the Alt-Right is one indispensable contextual element.)

That short Wikipedia entry is worth citing in full:

Kuk (also spelled as Kek and Keku) is the deification of the primordial concept of darkness in ancient Egyptian religion. In the Ogdoad cosmogony, his name meant darkness. As a concept, Kuk was viewed as androgynous, his female form being known as Kauket (also spelled as Keket), which is simply the female form of the word Kuk. [—] Like all four dualistic concepts in the Ogdoad, Kuk’s male form was depicted as a frog, or as a frog-headed man, and the female form as a snake, or a snake-headed woman. As a symbol of darkness, Kuk also represented obscurity and the unknown, and thus chaos. Also, Kuk was seen as that which occurred before light, thus was known as the bringer-in of light. The other members of the Ogdoad are Nu and Naunet, Amun and Amaunet, Huh and Hauhet.

I’m heavily reliant on the commentariat here to sort all this out.

The proximal trigger:

Kek is literally the name of the God of Darkness/obscurity. He is depicted as a frog. Truly these are strange times. pic.twitter.com/NS0aM99QKU

— Agorist Polwright (@AgoristArtist) April 19, 2016

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