
Mike Moon (R), Missouri #fundie m.riverfronttimes.com

[Missouri state rep decapitates a live chicken on FaceBook to make a point about abortion]

"Like any good career politician, when I get the call, I go back to work," Moon says, snapping the animal's neck. "God gave man dominion over animals. He allows us to raise them properly, care for them, and then process them for food so we can sustain life. And that’s what I’m doing here with this chicken."

As he talks, Moon is chopping up the bird. He digs in, pulling out its organs as he continues: "So we’ve been called back to this special session for the primary purpose of supporting life, protecting the unborn specifically."

Then he goes for the heart.

"I think we need to get to the heart of the matter here," Moon says, holding the heart out to the viewer. (Ewww!!!) "So today, I’m filing a bill that will lead to the stopping of abortion in the state of Missouri, and I hope you’ll support it. So stay tuned for more details."

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