
Phishna #racist imaginenojews.wordpress.com

The downwave is the the decline in economy matched by the rise in awareness of the real perpetrators. The terminal point is when the world reacts to the insanity and ends it. This may be the 2012 time period, the next upcycle commences exactly when the revolution ends the previous power structure. It is important to note that there will be no recovery until the problem of the Judaism is dealt with.

People are making the mistake holding on to the current system. They are still aligning with the power structure that is collapsing financially, their pensions magically disappearing in bankruptcy proceedings, their 401k’s evaporating into 201k’s. But as the downwave progresses they will be forced to abandon their support of the power structure, they will realign with the revolution in progress.

The reason why so many Americans are losing everything is because the Universe is going to force them to confront the block. The Jews are destroying America and thieving it’s wealth, the details are in the news. The abuse will continue until America stands up to the abuser. Until we get the courage to say the word “Jew” the downwave and destruction will continue.

Phishna #racist imaginenojews.wordpress.com

The End of the Cycle will be defined by the destruction of Judaism. Why? Because human consciousness can not evolve to a higher frequency as long as our minds are pinned down in the low vibration of hate and war and disease and suffering.

No matter what the illusions, the Universe is not fooled by manipulative Jews and their diabolical transgressions against Nature. The circle of karma will be fullfilled as every evil of the Jews will multiply into a huge tidal wave of energetic repatriation against the Jewish State and it’s parent cities of New York and London. Real spiritual knowledge is understanding that energy is in a closed loop, everything one does is circled back to the source.

Already New york and London have been bombed, this is only a prelude of what’s to come. In the future, when the nukes are lit off, it will be obvious that 9112001 in NYC was a really, really bad omen.

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