
n/a #fundie homeworship101.com

WARNING: The powerful Sacred Name opens the way for truth, as much truth as you can stand. There is a severe spiritual penalty for misuse of the Name, Exo:20:7. "Respect is what we owe, love is what we give," and vocalizing the Sacred Name of the CREATOR must be with respect. If you do not believe in HIM then it is better never to say the Name, (reading does not count), than to use or speak it in a slanderous or disrespectful way

n/a #fundie homeworship101.com

Throughout time over 270 different civilizations around the world tell the story of “a world flood and of a family in a boat full of animals that was saved to replenish the Earth.” The Bible references this unrighteous time as the “days of Noah.” YAHWEH postponed the flood for 120 years, and HE ordered Noah and his righteous family to build the Ark. It was a large wooden structure 450' long x 75' wide x 45' tall with three interior levels, and we all know the story (Gen.ch.6-8). The Bible says that of Noah’s three sons, Shem had a white wife, Ham had a black wife, Japheth had an oriental wife.

n/a #fundie homeworship101.com

New moons, like rainbows, are a sign from our CREATOR, which enables us to observe HIS special 'appointed times.' When you see it, simply acknowledge it by looking up to heavens and quietly saying, "Thank you YAHWEH, for showing me the signs" - the Angels will be watching.

Sometime in the future, the new moon sighting will be a global monthly announcement from Jerusalem, but until then you are on you own, Isa.66:23.

It is important to note that watching these signs is not considered astrology because we do not use it to derive any personal destinies. It is used to determine the universal "appointed times" (Gen.1:14; Ps.104:19).

n/a #fundie homeworship101.com

The creation story begins with the first verse of the Bible (Gen.1.1), and it describes the original physical creation in its entirety. This means our whole galaxy, including our planet Earth was created a v-e-r-y long time ago, as a perfect, up and running creation.

Supernatural beings, what we call angels were placed on the Earth long before the human creation. Created in another part of the universe, Angels existed before the creation of the Earth (Job 38.7). Angels are immortal, personal spirit-beings with self-will. YAHWEH does not create robots! Every being is created with a superior independent mind, with the power to think, reason, and make decisions. They are capable of developing attitudes, purpose and intentions.

Angels are armed for self defense with "flaming swords," or as some might call them, light sabers (Gen.3:24). They travel the universe in "chariots of fire," or as some might call them, UFO's. Their color is beryl. They can run like lighting, or they can bob up and down (2Kgs.2:11; Eze.1:2-28).

The Bible actually describes a form of government, not a religion. It is an intergalactic republic, based on the equal rule of law and grace. There were three angels of higher rank assigned to running the Kingdom of YAHWEH in this part of the universe. We know them today as the Archangels Lucifer, Gabriel and Michael. Archangel Lucifer, whose name means light-bringer, was the head of the local government. This was the v-e-r-y ancient time of the Earth which included many strange creatures such as the dinosaurs.

n/a #fundie homeworship101.com

Even liberal scholars now admit that the accounts of the life, death, and resurrection of Yahshua were written and distributed within thirty-five years of the events recorded in the Gospels. Tens of thousands of people who saw Yahshua were alive to read these widely distributed documents about His resurrection. These eyewitnesses did not dispute the facts of His resurrection. There is more historically verifiable evidence that Yahshua lived, died and rose from the dead, then exists to prove that Julius Caesar ever lived.

n/a #fundie homeworship101.com

If you ever run into a ‘get-GOD-out-of-government’ person, ask ‘em a simple question: “If they do not want GOD as the grantor of human rights, then what mere mortal do they suggest?” Let ‘em ramble a few minutes, and then just remind them of history. (And don’t let them sandbag you with the term democracy. Democracy has been around since the Greeks, and it’s basically mob-rule doomed to failure.)

White Stone Communications #fundie homeworship101.com

Once this becomes official, they will make an animated robotic image of the Antichrist, and force the world to worship it or die (Rev.13:15). This may seem odd at first thought, but today the Japanese - considered a very intelligent group of people - have a Disney style automatons already praying for their dead. They believe someone must continuously, 24/7, pray over the dead at their burial sites. Modern times have replaced the human prayer with a robot.

I will speculate that Satan’s robotic image will also be married to a super-computer, and then it will become a computerized virtual-reality figure. Then add something like today’s physic-occult hotline, and you have your own interactive, psychologically customized, virtual mentor program. Or, your virtual life-coach.

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