
Navaros #fundie imdb.com

God has many aspects, so it's very hard to put Him into the little box of a "definition." But here are some of His key traits:

- He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. He was never born and He can never die. He is eternal.

- He is Male and He has a Holy Righteous Penis. darwinists/atheists generally find this fact to be the most hilarious thing ever. Apparently they think that their own worshiping of a she-god and/or eunuch god - which is what they expect the real God to be rather than the Male that He is - is somehow less hilarious! I have no idea how darwinists/atheists came to believe in the whacky bizarre-o idea that God is a she-god and/or eunuch god. The most likely explanation is feminism must have rotted their brains.

- He created man in His image, meaning He must somewhat look like the most perfect and glorified man who ever existed...except that is not quite an accurate way to describe Him because He also looks infinitely superior to any man who ever existed...but there is no better way to describe Him than I've done in this paragraph, since words are insufficient to do that job.

- He Created the Universe and everything in it, along with Heaven and Hell. One caveat: the Universe is and has been in a fallen state since the fall of Man, so what we have now is in no way representative of the perfection that God initially created.

. . .

- God sent His son, Jesus Christ, to earth, to mitigate Adam & Eve's destruction of mankind, by letting Jesus die in the stead of mankind, so that those who accept Jesus' shed blood as proxy payment for their sin debts may be cleansed and allowed to enter Heaven instead of spending eternity in Hell. This was accomplished by Jesus' miraculous Virgin Birth, which allowed Jesus to be the only post-Eve human - ever - who was not born in sin.

. . .

If you want to know more about God, OP, then you should read the Bible and join a Bible-believing church...but you have to be very careful, because most churches that exists nowadays are apostate churches that deny rather than believe in the Bible (even though apostate churches often lyingly claim to believe in the Bible).

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

I'm not an expert on the minutiae of how exactly Noah built his ark...but I'm not sure what you keep harping on about. You seem to be implying that Noah didn't use steel or support plates or bolts. How do you know those things?

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

I was searching around youtube to learn about Julie Andrews. Then I was disgusted to find an interview with her where two guys pointed out that she went topless in a softcore porno film.

If she hadn't have done that, then she would have been remembered forever as a wonderful wholesome lady with a perfect voice.

Since she did do that, now she will be remembered forever as an immoral, filthy, harlot-like woman.

I bet that is why God made her lose her perfect voice. She decided to squander her gift by devolving into Sodom & Gomorrah-like immorality. Her fall is almost exactly like how Lucifer was the most glorifious creature God ever made, but then he became debased into filthy satan.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

Science is observable, testable, and repeatable. Your fairy story about bacteria randomly transforming into all forms of life via death, destruction, corruption and evil is not observable, not testable, and not repeatable. Therefore, by definition, it is not science.

If darwinists knew how science worked, then they would therefore reject darwinism for the exact reasons that I've just stated it.

nutracker2013 #conspiracy imdb.com

Well I have nothing against lesbian and gays, they always existed, they don't bother me, though it's the new lgbt movement aggressive will to brainwash our society in a way that they become the norm and we heteros become freaks (it's their final goal that they want to achieve in the coming years) that I am against.
They are using all the tools of propaganda principles the nazis used and more:
-Brainwashing the youngest (remember the nazis youth?) using music video clips and TV series.
-Permit gay couples to adopt children (also called the selling of humans)
-Oblige every single US movie to include a gay or lesbian scene or couple
-TV ads also are having more and more gay/lesbian propaganda
So yes I am against this destruction of our society by people who are fans of this ''unique thought'' and want to oblige us to adopt their way of seeing things.
How many people dare saying a thing against gay marriage or gay adoption on TV before they are bullied and harassed? While lgbt militia can say whatever they want and do all the propaganda they want without any problem. Hell, I even been banned for couple of hours on Facebook because I dared say to a lesbian that gay marriage is not evolving the society!!!
lgbt = terrorism of thoughts.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

Your definitions of "species" are completely arbitrary.

And moreover, they don't work either. I.e., darwinists claim that different species can't interbreed, even though species that aren't "supposed" to be able to interbreed can do so, and even though darwinists also paradoxically, at the same time, INSANELY, make an antithetical claim that debunks their very own other claim, that different species can interbreed!

To wit,


New Skull Could Be from Human Group that Interbred with Neandertals

What?! So your definition of species is based on the fact that they can't interbreed with one another, except for when they can?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!? truthy, can I get an AMEN (or at least a HEEHARHAWWWW or something???) for how LUDICROUS darwinists' insane & non-functional definition" of species is?!?!??!?!?!?!

darwinists call something a "different species" or not based on subjective opinion-based judgements.

What you call "speciation" is, in actuality, merely variation within a single kind of life. It is not, as your evolution story requires, evidence of lower forms of life transforming into new, higher forms of life.

Now, let's pretend for a moment that I didn't have any of the evidence which I just used to destroy your "specieation" argument (that evidence, by the way, is just one drop in the bucket)...

Even if darwinists did legitimately observe some "specieation"...that would still be grossly insufficient to prove their outlandish claims. darwinists claim that bacteria "descended" into all forms of life. So unless/until they observe every single one of those alleged transformations of "specieation," then their extraordinary claim of "common descent of all life forms from bacteria" will remain the unproven faith-based belief that it has always been.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

Christians have been uniformly persecuted in public schools at every level for approximately the past 65+ years by way of having instructors teach the untrue faith-based religion of darwinism as "fact" and "truth" in place of God's antithetical and historical account which is actually true. Not only that, but God's truth is banned from those same classrooms.

And that suppression of Christianity for the sake of committing indoctrination into darwinism is sanctioned and enforced by the state.

That's persecution to a "T."

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

How is America a completely evil cesspool?

For one thing, it willingly participates in committing the most egregious atrocity/crime against humanity that has ever existed in the history of mankind, by legally murdering hundreds of thousands of babies per year. It glosses over those murders with false label euphemisms designed to pretend as if they are not murders, like "abortion," "women's rights," "right to choose," etc...but just like a rose by any other name is still a rose, legalized mass murders by any other name are still legalized mass murders. Nothing but a completely evil cesspool would do that.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

There is no such thing as "creationists" as distinct from "Christians." All Christians believe the Bible, and therefore all Christians know that God is Male and has a Penis.

Anyone who denies those facts would be a denier of the Bible, and therefore, by definition, not a Christian..

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

It's a bad sign when you have to make up *beep*

I have no idea what you mean by that. That statement is incoherent. I made nothing up.

I could easily ask other creationists what they think about God having a penis,

There is no such thing as "creationists" as distinct from "Christians." All Christians believe the Bible, and therefore all Christians know that God is Male and has a Penis.

Anyone who denies those facts would be a denier of the Bible, and therefore, by definition, not a Christian.

they'd answer that whoever believes that belongs in an asylum.

No they wouldn't. If asylums came up at all, then they would say that Bible deniers such as yourself should be in them.

Even amongst other creationists, you'd be a laughingstock.

No I wouldn't. As I said, all legitimate Christians believe the Bible, and the Bible makes 100% clear that God has a Penis, therefore no legitimate Christian would deny that truth.

But let's pretend you did find people who profess to believe in the Bible whilst, in actuality, they deny it. And those people laugh at me. Would I care? No. Because God and I get the last laugh together as we are partying it up forever in Heaven, wherein the mocking Bible deniers of which you speak shall never enter.

CrytotheKingofKings #fundie imdb.com

Rectal Sex: Surveys indicate that about 90% of gays have engaged in rectal intercourse, and about two-thirds do it regularly.22 In a 6-month long study of daily sexual diaries,23 gays averaged 110 sex partners and 68 rectal encounters a year.

Rectal sex is dangerous. During rectal intercourse, the rectum becomes a mixing bowl for

saliva and its germs and/or an artificial lubricant,
the recipient’s own feces,
whatever germs, infections or substances the penis has on it, and
the seminal fluid of the inserter.

Sperm, which is immunocompromising24, readily penetrate the rectal lining (which is only one cell thick), and tearing or bruising of the anal wall is very common during anal/penile sex. Because of this, these substances gain almost direct access to the blood stream. Unlike heterosexual intercourse — in which sperm cannot penetrate the multilayered vagina and no feces are present — rectal intercourse is probably the most sexually efficient way to spread hepatitis B, HIV, syphilis, and a host of other blood-borne diseases.

Corey & Holmes (1980) Sexual transmission of Hepatitis A in homosexual men. New England J Medicine 302:435-38 ?
Manligit, et al (1984) Chronic immune stimulation by sperm alloantigens. J American Medical Assoc 251:237-38; Mulhall, et al (1990) Anti-sperm antibodies in homosexual men. Genitourinary Medicine 66:5-7; Ratnam KV (1994) Effect of sexual practices on T cell subsets. Intl J of STDs and AIDS 5:257-61 ?


CrytotheKingofKings #fundie imdb.com

The living God, the God of the Bible, is a God of miracles. He still works miracles today.

If oral sex was okay people wouldn't be cursed with STDs or STIs from practicing it such as HPV and herpes.

Oral sex is wicked, evil, unholy, perverted, twisted, and demonic.

Getting to the prostate through the anus has its health risks such as rectal fissures, periprostatic hemorrhage, cellulitis, septicaemia,and hemorrhoidal flare-up. Apparently God didn't design people to get off on reaching their prostate gland that way.

You're just perverted and twisted and that's why you are trying to justify these sexually immoral acts.

*REPENT* and turn to the Lord and GOD Jesus Christ and be saved from your sins.

pjpoconnell #fundie imdb.com

Attention all posters:

Notable religious believers of the 20th century:

Mohandas Gandhi
Pope John XXIII
Mother Teresa
Martin Luther King
Dalai Lama

Notable atheists of the 20th century:

Adolf Hitler
Josef Stalin
Mao Zedong
Pol Pot

The choice is yours.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

What kind of immoralities are you talking about?

As examples, godly people are against the following immoralities:

- Fornication
- Onanism
- Using illegal drugs
- Using foul language
- Taking the LORD's name in vain
- Murdering babies via 'abortion'
- Murdering babies via 'stem cell research'
- Murdering the disabled and/or elderly via 'euthanasia'
- Indoctrinating students with darwinistic beliefs in public schools

Now, contrast that with atheists. atheists are by and large, if not universally, in favor of all of those immoralities.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

The thread title is an oxymoron. Christianity and politics are the same thing - not different things, as the thread tile implies.

I.e. Christians are obligated to oppose evil, and one cannot oppose evil without at the same time clashing with evildoers who promote a political agenda about indulging in evil.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

[The actress Melissa (Joan Hart), who makes no secret of her strong commitment to Christianity]

That's pretty odd coming from a woman who willingly agreed to pose in sexually provocative ways for Maxim magazine, knowing full-well that the idea behind doing that was to encourage its male readers to indulge in Onanism to images of her.

That's not something a woman with a "strong commitment to Christianity" would do.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

In recent months, Liberty University has endorsed Trump. That made me lose some respect for Liberty University. They should be able easily to discern that Trump is an liberal/evil man who does not believe in Christian/normal-non-psychopathic person values like preventing the murders of unborn babies.

I am disappointed that LU has made such a grievous moral error.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

That's highly debatable. paganism is just an offshoot of satanism (satan is the head false god demon who runs both of those religions) so I'll use the word "paganism" simultaneously to describe both.

paganism was very dominant for an extremely long time. It had a decline for a few centuries, but then it came back in the 1800's in the form of darwinism, and darwinism (thus paganism) now dominates society with its evil iron fist.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

It [the morning after pill] may or may not be murdering babies. It depends if it is or is not being used to murder a baby in the form of a fertilized egg. AFAIK there is no way to guarantee that it wouldn't murder a baby though, so non-murderers shouldn't ever take it. However, I'm not an expert on that point, so if there is one that guarantees not to murder a fertilized egg baby, then taking that would not be murdering babies.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

Christians want your soul to spend eternity in paradise a.k.a. Heaven.

atheists, on the other hand, couldn't care less about your soul, nor if you instead spend eternity in Hell.

So how does that not make the Christians the good guys and the atheists the bad guys?

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" – Gilman

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

No, I'm not kidding.

Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron are among the very few high profile Bible-believing Christians in the world. That makes it all the more the shame to see one of them ruin his great work for no good reason with an unnecessary & nefarious endorsement.

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" – Gilman

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

There is no "debate." "Abortion" is cold-blooded, brutal murder, period. And there is no such thing as "abortion." When you say "abortion," you are using that word as a euphemism for "murdering babies." Murderers should indeed be ashamed of themselves. And "women" would not ever murder their own babies, so you are incorrect also when you use the word "women" as a euphemism for "murderers."

criztu #conspiracy imdb.com

[in a thread discussing wether or not "Mad Max: Fury Road" is a feminist movie. Could be FSTDT or CTSTDT]

It can't be a "truly feminist" movie, because it was made by a dude.

But, this movie, and others like him, signal the arrival of a new paradigm. The paradigm of the androgynous, sexually confused slave.

A great example of this evolution towards androgynity, is Charlize Theron, as Imperator Furiosa. No tits, no hips, leading the warboys, able to fight Mad Max for a while, and stuff like that.

The masters of our society, need asexual working drones. Slaves incapable of rebelling against oppression. To achieve that, you program them since kindergarten, with a certain set of values and ideas about the world.
You mess up with their young little brains, arresting their development, denying them the identification stage, that moment when you know who you are and what you're living for. And what's worth dying for!

We are witnessing the dawn of a new paradigm. A paradigm where female protagonists behave like males. And male protagonists behave life females.
This may seem silly to you, because you've been programmed into another paradigm. But for the 13yo kids, this is the future! Their world. You and I, we will be grumpy old men, whining how in our times, Caitlyn Jenner was a man, not a woman!

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

[Science may contradict logic, but it doesn't contradict facts the way religion does.]

Sure it does, at least, the darwinism which you mislabel as "science" does.

Here are some of the facts that your so-called "science" contradicts but which God's Word does not:

The scientific law of biogenesis: only life can begat life.

Each kind only ever reproduces after it's own kind.

God created the kinds male and female.

And moreover, darwinists' own self-proclaimed "facts" contradict each other all the time. I.e. Pluto is a planet vs. Pluto is not a planet, brontosaurus is a dinosaur vs. brontosaurus is not a dinosaur. Those are completely contradictory claims, all of which your darwinist kind have lyingly proclaimed as "scientific facts." That is irrefutable evidence that darwinists' claims about what is "science" or "fact" are not reliable and cannot be trusted.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

[No one thinks Darwin is a god.]

Yet darwinists glorify his name, build gigantic statues/graven images/idols of him, write letters to him despite the fact that he is long dead and frying in Hell, celebrate him with a special holiday, perpetuate his myths endlessly in every medium possible, and try to silence anyone who speaks against him or the mythology he invented.

If they don't think that he is a god, why do they treat him like a god in all of those ways?

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

[Science is constantly striving to correct itself. What's wrong with that?]

There would be no possible room to "correct" itself unless its original claims were untrue bull crap in the first place. The new "corrected" claims are untrue bull crap too, which is why they in turn become "corrected" later on as well, with additional untrue bull crap. It's a never-ending cycle of untrue bull crap, all of which is falsely presented as "fact."

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

Your god, darwin, is a false one, yesanything, and so too is the evil power behind him (satan), but the God of the Bible is not.

And contrary to what your OP implies, your evolution story has a lot more major problems than just the problem that to begin, it needs to resort to whacky mystical explanations which impossibly violate the scientific law of biogenesis which states that only life can begat life.

The answer is not to make something up which is what all gods are.

Are you kidding me? evolutionists make up stuff all the time. Why do you think sometimes brontosaurus is a dinosaur, and then sometimes brontosaurus is not a dinosaur, and then sometimes brontosaurus is a dinosaur again? Why do you think for several decades Pluto is a planet, then all of a sudden Pluto is not a planet? Why do you think one week ida darwinus is the "missing link" that finally "proves" that apes transformed into men, and the next week, ida is just a lemur? Why do you think evolutionists universally promoted the Piltdown Man fraud, in museums and everywhere else, as "scientific fact" to "prove" evolution to the public worldwide, for over 40 years? etc. etc. That kind of list could go on endlessly.

The only way things like that could happen is by a) evolutionists making things up and b) the things they make up are full of crap.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

The cancer of feminism has influenced most women today to believe that they must be masculine and act like men. Of course, women who follow that kind of warped mindset are completely undesirable to all men.

I.e. Just look at hilary clinton - one of the most unwomanly "women" of all-time, yet also one of the most popular - although I personally don't consider hilary to be either a woman or a she...but hilary is generally looked upon as a "woman role model" . With someone like hilary as the model for what a woman is, that's a telltale sign that society is all fubared to Hell and that nowadays real women are very scarce.

dickmarvel #fundie imdb.com

The Most Dangerous Lifestyle To Live

Is engaging in gay male sex. The stats on this are overwhelming. The gay lifestyle is more dangerous to your health than smoking. I won't go into the medical details about what happens to delicate tissue when it is ruptured and bacteria passes directly into the bloodstream. Nor discuss what a lifetime of repeated pounding in the back door does to the excretory system that is too disgusting to explain.

There will never be a movie made about this issue or any PSA's warning of the dangers of gay sex to human health. This is why I despise the left in America that grows increasingly dishonest and completely out of touch with reality.

ridge-m-1 #conspiracy imdb.com

The shadow government which actually controls the nation and seized power by assassinating JFK cannot and will not allow the full truth regarding LBJ to come to light. Why anyone (Rob Reiner?) would want to make a guaranteed historically inaccurate movie about a portion of this evil man's life escapes this scholar of history.

LBJ was one of the most corrupt politicians in the history of the Republic starting with the Box 13 Scandal which "elected" him to the Senate to the government contract known as the TFX/F-111 tactical fighter project which had been awarded to Boeing by virtue of its low bid but Johnson had switched to General Dynamics because the main plant was located in Texas and as a result of a $100,000.00 bribe paid to Johnson.

LBJ employed his own hitman, Malcolm "Mac" Wallace, an individual not named in Robert Caro's exhaustive and seminal four volume biography of Johnson which is surprisingly accurate for the most part. Many murders took place on orders from Johnson in order that his corruption not become known. Johnson even had his Bohemian life-style loose-lipped sister killed. A fingerprint of Mac Wallace was lifted from inside what is commonly referred to as the Texas School Book Depository. Wallace was one of the shooters.

How ironic that Woody Harrelson would play the man that set the assassination plot in motion since his own father, Charles Harrison was an organized crime figure who was convicted of assassinating a federal judge and was imprisoned. While in prison, a video exists of Harrelson admitting his participation in the plot that assassinated JFK.

To the OP, my politics are very-left wing including socialist positions, some of which The New Deal incorporated as governmental responsibilities. I am not however a Communist, a form of government doomed to failure by the very nature of mankind. And, BTW, LBJ was a huge racist blocking President Kennedy's racial reform legislation to save for his own administration and to become a part of his own legacy.

dkast85 #conspiracy imdb.com

(In regards to the movie "Concussion")

It may be but you have to understand, this movie is propaganda. The goal is to take down the culture of the US. A lot of liberals despise the US culture and football (and baseball) are a huge part of our culture. Soccer, on the other hand, is apart of the cultures that they like better (europe, south america, etc.) So you won't expect anyone to make a movie about how soccer is dangerous because it doesn't fit their agenda.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

The real Founding Fathers of America came to it in the 1600's and they were Bible-believing Christians in almost exactly the same way as is Kirk Cameron.

The Founding Fathers that you speak of separated church from state in order so that Bible-believing Christians did not have their freedom of religion infringed upon by evil & ungodly government officials who might otherwise impose their evil forms of religion upon the population, as had already happened for centuries before in England with its evil Kings and evil Queens.

This modern myth that people like you promote, that the Founding Fathers disliked religion and made their decisions on that basis, is a complete distortion and re-writing of history in order to pretend as if it was in line with your modern God-hating agenda.

americaisthebest86 #fundie imdb.com

[On the board for "Spotlight"]

This film is complete garbage. I'm sick of another anti-Christian Hollywood propaganda movie. The Muslims are literally trying to destroy the entire world yet Hollywood would rather make a film about a small group of "Catholics" molesting children. Of course, they'll conveniently ignore the fact that it was gays pretending to be Catholic on a large scale, not true catholics because they want to continue to push anti-Christian beliefs onto its viewers, while at the same time giving the Muslims a free pass as they continue their conquest.

Screw this movie and everyone who helped make it and everyone who supports it.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

Isn't that what heaven is supposedly like? Where everything is perfect and no one can come to harm?

Sure, but keep in mind this question: who is in Heaven?

Answer: the very few people who during their time on earth chose to believe in and obey God (this point is especially what almost no one does) and accept Jesus' payment of their sin debt. That all sounds very simple, but almost no one actually does it.

In other words, the population of Heaven is what we could call in human terms "a biased sample." Only the cream of the crop of the human population gets in, and they got in because they chose to live godly lives.

Now, compare that to the unbiased sample that comprises 99.999999999+% of the humans on the earth who are ungodly. They either proactively hate God, or are indifferent to God. In either case, they fail to obey God, and they commit acts of evil constantly. Those type of people never get into Heaven. And them not being allowed in is one of the main reasons why Heaven is able to be perfect.

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" - Gilman

m-slovak79 #fundie imdb.com

Yes i am against it as true marriage is and always will be between a man/woman.

p.s. any true Christian cannot support gay marriage as it's against Jesus Christ. he's clearly against homosexuality (and the like) as that cannot be debated since it's clearly a sin (and a serious sin at that).

CrytotheKingofKings #fundie imdb.com

I don't even think gravity exists. No one can see it. measure it. Weigh it. No one has ever seen the hypothetical graviton. Even Newton doubted his own idea. People in his day thought of it as magic. Newton was heavily into mysticism, the occult and hermeticism. I believe he got the idea from the demonic realm.

I don't know if the "planets" are real terra firma bodies or even if they are round. If they are round so what? It doesn't mean the earth is round. It's like saying every swan ive seen is white therefore all swan are white.

CryToTheAlmightyJesus #fundie imdb.com

I was struggling for a while to fully believe in a flat earth because of several technical problems with the model even though the heliocentric ball earth model also has technical problems. I've decided to just trust in God's word. God means what He says and says what He means. Let God be true and every man found a liar.

Come join The Biblical Circle Earth https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/110948746616556574259

Pertwillaby #fundie imdb.com

(A series of posts on a thread about feminism)

Do I love women? Yes, absolutely. Do I think the avarage woman is inferior to the average man? Yes. Does that make me a misogynist? I don't think so

[Actually, yes. That is misogynistic]

If it is, then there is nothing wrong with being misogynistic. Let me elaborate... Do I think the average 15 year old is dumber than the average 30 year old? Yes. Is that ageist? Perhaps. If it is ageist, then there is nothing wrong with ageism.

Many people define misoginy as "hatred for women". If that's your definition of misoginy, then YES, misoginy IS a problem. I'm simply saying that I believe that misogyny is not a problem as long as your definition of misogyny is "believeing that women are ON AVERAGE inferior to men".

Prejudice = "Preconceived opinion that is not
based on reason or actual experience" (from oxforddictionaries.com) Btw, I never wrote that women are intellectuall inferior to men. What I wrote is that based on my OBSERVATION I THINK that women ON AVERAGE are intellectually inferior to men.

Hanz-Willhelm #fundie imdb.com


To the concept of following God being a boring life verses a life a sin being a fun life.....I'd say that is actually a falsehood. God's laws are here to protect us and to let us live a fuller freer life, many have fallen for the misconception that a life of debauchery is fun.

Probably the strongest form of this is sexual sin. Many believe God's laws are boring, sexual sin is fun and you'll live a fuller, life with more fun if you live it up sexually.

Well, if God created sex, created our bodies and created our need for sex and he tells us it is reserved to be between a husband and wife in a lifetime covenant it is interesting that everyone thinks they know better.

A Godly marriage of openness, respect, sacrifice and love will lead to a much more intense intimacy than any of the flings of sin. A faithful, lifelong partner will be a life free of sexual disease, pain over each other's sexual past, unwanted pregnancies, abortions, broken homes and children growing up without both parents, single parents trying to raise kids and earn an income, pain of being used for sex and than being abandoned by someone you cared about. People act as if free sex with no "rules" is so much fun with no dark side.

The same thing with abstaining from drugs and too much alcohol. "How boring". I think many believe that flippantly, without acknowledging the truth about how many thousands upon thousands upon thousands of lives that are destroyed with substance abuse, probably more like millions who get addicted to alcohol or some drug......all thinking it was fun to try it out and to get wasted at parties, never intending to actually get hooked but getting hooked all the same as it is difficult to use the stuff and not to physically build up some dependencies on it. "I can handle my liquor!", well, maybe you are. That doesn't negate the endless story of those whose lives were destroyed because life is just "more fun" with a little bit of drug to enhance things.

I believe the truth is that living within the healthy boundaries God laid out is a more happy, stable fulfilled life than those who think it's fun to live it up. Come back and visit these people in 30 years and see who often these things which seemed so fun at one point are looked back at with regret and have ended up damaging their lives.

These boundaries aren't given to deprive people of life/fun but for our own good and to increase the abundance of life.

browntable759 #fundie imdb.com

Sci-ence. Noun. systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation. Fact. Noun. a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true: Source: Dictionary.com. Bones don't come with labels on them, saying how old they are. Neither do rock layers. Google "dating methods and assumptions" and see what you come up with. Also, do some research on dragon legends, like St. George and the dragon, and Beowulf. Many of the so-called dragon myths may well actually be historical documentation of human encounters with dinosaurs.I don't believe there's anything in science or history that unequivocally proves that humans and dinosaurs didn't or couldn't co-exist.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

There is no such thing as 'fetus.' 'Fetus' is in fact just another synonym for the word 'baby, a synonym which feminists use to try to gloss over their acts of murder and pretend they are not murdering babies, even though they are.

Just like the word 'abortion' when applied to humans is just another name for 'murder,' again meant to pretend that feminists' acts of murder are not murder.

In other words, a baby by the name of 'fetus' is still a baby, and a murder by the name of 'abortion' is still murder. Playing semantic word games does not change those facts.

lukejbarnett2002 #fundie imdb.com

[On Ariel Winter's breast surgery]

How horrible of her to get a breast reduction. this is the worst thing a woman can do to herself. it's slapping God in the face and telling him he was wrong in how he created her. and that was one of the best things about her and one of the most beautiful things about her and that was one of the few things that made her so special and unique and rare and made her so different from all the other girls in Hollywood because her boobs were so big. taking that essential and special and rare thing away is going to make her like all the other beautiful girls in Hollywood. so 1. it's immoral 2. it's unethical 3. dumb for her career and 4. dumb for her beauty. and it's not good in any way. how is it ever bad having beautiful, big boobs? and look at someone who did this, Soleil Moon-Frye, I don't see her anymore, since about 5 years ago and she had breast reduction surgery. and she's doing this now before she's old enough to show her boobs legally???!!! that's horrible, that means we'll probably never be able to see her big, natural boobs. her parents should of made her wait until she is at least 21 before doing this, because then she would've been old enough and mature enough to be intelligent enough to know what she is doing and also then she would've at least had enough time to show her boobs in a leaked and hacked topless cellphone pic like all the girls in Hollywood are getting caught at doing nowadays, what a big, awful shame! Caroline Wozniacki and Simona Halep also suck and are horrible people for getting breast reduction surgery.

and to think I just recently, in the past year discovered her amazingly big, amazingly round, and amazingly beautiful boobs on here. this is the worst thing that a woman can do to herself. it's disrespectful to God. you're saying what God did to create you was wrong. and it's horrible to all her fans and all the many people who want to see her boobs and want to touch her boobs, like all the guys who want to have sex with her in her personal life or people who have seen her in person or in a movie or tv show who want to have sex with her. she's taking away the one thing that really makes her stand out apart from almost all the other girls in Hollywood who are around her age. she's soon going to not be special or rare or unique. she's going be like all the other girls in Hollywood. I really think she should've been made by her mom to wait until she's 21 because then she would've been old and mature and smart enough to realize the weight of this decision and then she would've known how dumb of a decision it is. and also then we would've had the opportunity and chance to see her boobs in a leaked, hacked topless cellphone pic like all the girls in Hollywood are making and getting stolen from them, what a horrible shame! now we'll probably never be able to see her big, round, beautiful natural boobs. as a woman under 18 it's hard to see her boobs in a leaked hacked topless picture or in a movie or tv show, these are all very rare things nowadays. it makes me so sad to think about her lovely, big, beautiful, round boobs going away. but you know what she's not going to have a career after this, because she will then be ordinary and bland. but than again she does have a porn star name so she's already made one bad career and life decision.

and how could she say that she was getting neck, back, and spine pain? I mean it can't ever be that bad. and also it's just like if you have a fat stomach, you work on it naturally until you don't have it anymore. she could've done the same thing with her boobs. and also I just found out that the first part of a woman's body that loses fat when she loses weight is her boobs, and that's why you don't see that many skinny or trim women who have big boobs. so, all she had to do was lose weight and she'd have less big boobs. and about how hard it was to get form fitting dresses and how hard it was to show cleavage being her age? I mean why is it bad to show your big boobs in cleavage revealing outfits when you are a teenager? and how hard was it to have wardrobe make you wear big sweater or strap you into clothes? come on, those things don't sound hard at all. and she had the same boobs size as Sofia Vergara, 32F, and Sofia has had to deal with having really big boobs for a lot longer than you have. if she can deal with it you can, toughen up! I just think it's such a bad thing for a girl to do. and I also think it's a symptom of this generation where people feel and think they can take the easy way out and that they don't have to work or struggle to get anything in life. it's all quite depressing. Sofia should've said no to her doing this, maiming and scarring, and ruining her body and devaluing and disrespecting her body.

Her boobs were amazing because they were so big, bouncy, round, full, succulent, soft, smooth, buoyant, and beautiful. they were special because usually women don't have boobs that big. and I've never understood how a teenaged woman could ever want to take away her natural, huge boobs. and I also have never understood how a teenaged girl with huge boobs would ever go that far, getting breast reduction surgery. I've never been able to understand how a teenaged girl with huge boobs could ever be that much against having huge boobs. it's like they think they can't have boobs that size as such a young girl which is stupid and ignorant and unrealistic and nonsensical.

I know that her boobs are her only value or quality that matters because nothing else really sets her apart from all the other young actresses in Hollywood nowadays, nothing else is really special about her. bottom line about this is she's disrespecting God by doing this, she's saying what you created with me is not right and so I'm going to take it away or change it and that's not right. and also when there's real problems that people have she has to bring up this insignificant thing which proves she's a little bitch. and also it proves that she's one of these rich, entitled, narcissistic Hollywood people who only care about vain, materialistic things. but that's what you get with a girl who has been given everything in life she wants her whole life, a rich, spoiled bitch.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

atheists are bitter because they know that that according to their own belief system, their lives have no purpose and no meaning and after they expire from their pointless lives, all that awaits them is nothingness.

On top of that, many of them are also bitter because although they never admit it out loud, they realize deep down that the Bible is correct and that they will one day have to give an account to God for their evil ways, and so they are terrified of what will happen to them when they come before the Judgement Seat of Christ.

So all of that bitterness manifests itself into the constant mocking/insulting/hateful attacks against God, morality, and anyone who does not share their worldview. When they do that, atheists are patting themselves on the back and giving each other winks & nudges as if to say: "Although our existences are pointless, and although many of us are secretly terrified at having to one day give an account of our lives to God, at least we can make ourselves feel better by calling ourselves more intelligent than those who do not share our beliefs."

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

"Virtually all shows before 1970 could be described as wholesome, with nothing more than slight suggestive lines in such programs as Batman, as mentioned elsewhere here."

That's not always true. For example the Twilight Zone (1959) is full of foul language its characters often take the LORD's name in vain. It is also full of immoral lines, such as: one time an old man tells a kid to "go play with a switchblade," another time a character talks about "slitting wrists," and many other times the characters talk frankly about fornicating and/or committing adultery and/or are depicted actually doing so on-screen (granted, it doesn't actually show them doing the final part of those things, but the images strongly suggest that they are about to...and the blunt dialogue outright blatantly admits it). It's definitely nowhere close to being wholesome.

But maybe the Twilight Zone was the first trashy show, and an anomaly for its time? I'm not sure about that, but I do know that even if it's the only show to do so, it definitely makes its era of TV impure and untrustworthy.

I was actually shocked to discover those things in the Twilight Zone, since LITB directly references it in one episode, and that's how LITB referred me to it. Because of the referral and the time when it was made, I was expecting it to be wholesome like LITB, but it quickly took a huge steamin' dump all over that reasonable expectation.

I do agree though that in general, TV became a lot more trashy after the 60's.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

(On the subject of the film "God’s Not Dead")

Before making this post, I revisited this film so that the evil, ungodly things that Josh did are fresh in my mind.

In his first speech, Josh affirms the darwinist-alleged, Bible-denying age of the universe (13.7B years). He also affirms darwinists' big bang theory, whilst adding in front of it the caveat that God did it.

In his third speech, Josh directly affirms that evolution is true and again, adds a God did it caveat in front. He then goes on to make that same affirmation a second time when he validates the darwinist idea that all forms of life transformed into each other over 3.8B years. To that he tacks on another caveat, that within those 3.8B years, evolution happened fast. Next, he inappropriately conflates his ungodly argument with a quotation from Genesis that in reality completely debunks everything that he just said and will continue to say. He finishes with yet another affirmation that the process of evolution is true, and yet again tacks on the caveat but God did it.

In his fourth speech, Josh finally says something compatible with the Bible, by pointing out that evil exists in the world due to God allowing Free Will. However, that fact also completely debunks all the darwin-glorifying, anti-God, anti-Christian, anti-Bible propaganda which he spouted previously. To wit, if evolution is true, then evil is necessarily not a consequence of Free Will, but rather, evil must always have existed in the world, long before any sentient beings who had Free Will did. Moreover, that of course would point to an evil god, who must have put evil into the world without justification, for no reason other than because he too is evil (that would be a satanic god, not the God of the Bible).

Given all that evidence, there is no reasonable way you can possibly legitimately argue that Josh didn't glorify darwin and affirm evolution and thereby deny God, the Bible and Christianity.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

"The only truth is science"

Oh yeah? Then why is science always being forced to admit that the 'facts' it told last week were lies? For example, one year Pluto is a planet, the next year Pluto is not a planet. One year Brontosaurus is a dinosaur, the next year Brontosaurus is not a dinosaur, and the next year Brontosaurus is a dinosaur again! Those are just two out of countless examples.

The irrefutable fact is that 'science' is constantly changing its malarkey stories, and if those stories were true facts rather than malarkey fabricated stories in the first place, it would be impossible for them to change.

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