
Ron #fundie latimes.com

The faculty on most of our Colleges is already strongly Marxist - Socialist anti-American, anti-Christian, anti- Conservative. Those students in love with this teacher have putty for a brain. I am also certain that most of the other teachers will share the same far left ideological orientation.

Ron #fundie latimes.com

It seems there was 1 candid honest student post. "" I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. With the "Bush Is A Terrorist" posters around his room, and his propaganda filled lectures,"" The other alleged students are already brainwashed and indoctrinated in far Left radicalism. Those posts eerily sound like they they were all made by the same person OR a Robotic Clone. Did some one dictate what to say? Perhaps the teacher himself posted at least a few f those in favor of himself. Out schools are full of far left radical Socialist, Marxists and far left Liberals.

victoria #fundie latimes.com

my two teens have taken ap euro and i have read their books. it is comprised of opinions/studies by academia and is typical of ivory towered professors..the "chiristian version" is factual and a public school teacher's anti christian opinions should be kept in check while he opines in front of a captured audience...bottom line..honors classes are the latest trend in hs...and the teachers in these classes are frustrated college teacher wannabees... those that disagree are the same bozos that insist on cancelling "christmas" themed events at public schools.. you can't have your cake and eat it too... m. antoinette..

LydiasDad #fundie latimes.com

For the nuts who think Christianity is the basis of all evil, if not for Christianity, there would be very few hospitals, schools, and charities. Truth hurts. Who would have created those? Atheists. Yeah, right.

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