
PIANOMANONE #fundie forums.about.com

Yes, only those who place their faith in Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour are God's children. I agree with you there. And if even one of those slaves was a child of God, no MAN had the right then (or now) to 'use' them.

John7362 #fundie #god-complex forums.about.com

God exists because I am God in the sense that my mind was copied and placed in the cybernetic system that contains the mind that can be called God.

I have been trying for two days to tell my story at different websites. Now I've reached the point that being careful in what I say is "NOT" the way to go. I'm telling the truth and I had one webmaster accuse me of placing crap on his website.

I'm the one. The one with the cybernetic eye and the hands that can summone the power of the multiverse.

pgardner31 #fundie forums.about.com

1. That any explanation of life either directly or indirectly indicates the existence of a spiritual (not limited by time) being or beings.

2. Genesis is an evolutionary account.

3. The prophecies in the Bible are (and many <Israel> already have) coming true. They are specific enough to be able to discern future events beyond any mathematical possibilities- NOT Nostradamos hindsight making facts try to fit imprecise generalizations.

I offer for your elucidation amessageforthehumanrace.

pgardner31 #fundie forums.about.com

Thank you for your instruction. Having been college-educated in (double major) math and physics, also psychology, also philosophy (specifically symbolic logic <including Boolean Algebra>; I have been through all of the mental reasonings in the realm of knowledge. Using them empirically, I realized 1. The Bible was the word of God, 2. Christ was who He said He was, 3. Objective knowledge could indicate a correct evaluation of the totality of human awareness but could not encompass all of the phenomena witnessed in that totality, 4. The necessity for an opposing will to God's, and a being with a free will to choose, 5. I had a spirit- deeper than my mind. 6. The religious system of Christianity was false- prima-facie- in that it was in actuality either following Christ or expressing His purpose.

I had logically reached these conclusions before I had read a word of the Bible or being born again (personally knowing, not mere knowing about, Christ). So, my dear C12*, have no fear of shaking my beliefs: I am my beliefs, they are not mere mental conclusions which can be over ruled by different or superior reasoning.

What I am saying as that knowledge can give a valid indication of truth, but truth- being eternal, not temporal- is not the same as correct knowledge. And, since truth is not a thing but an eternal person (God) and since temporally we have a free will; then the validation of truth is a subjective experience <no less real and as unmistakable as laboratory conclusions.


PIANOMANONE #fundie forums.about.com

Most of those bought and sold [as slaves] were probably NOT God's children. One must remember that they came from Africa that is full of false religions. Only those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour are God's children.

Hunter200 #fundie forums.about.com

One question can destroy Atheism

Can nature create more powerful Computer by itself than human?

Human brain created Computer, does NATURE have BRAIN to create human?

If answer is yes then that NATURE is God and he also can communicate.