Ax2root #fundie

Christians don't murder converts.

Sharia law Islamists do

Bush was NAIVE about Muslim Brotherhood and also allowed them in White House.

Obama is sold out to the terrorist org Muslim Brotherhood
Most Muslims are murdered BY Muslims

The Lord created all people in his image and likeness.

They choose to serve Him or the devil.

Those who reject The Son of God Jeuss the Christ as their Lord and savior are serving the default " god of this world" the devil antichrist spirit whom Jesus Christ came to deliver them from

And now Turkey won't need visas in EU.

OUR VISA POLICY IS HORRIBLE in allowing Islamists into the USA.

Ryan’s Strategy to ‘Keep the American People Safe’ Fails: U.S. to Issue Visas to 300,000 Muslim Migrants

ALSO ,....FRANCE IS REJECTING THEIR STUPID LEADERSHIP DECISIONS of importing jihad by swarming migration Hijra.

Poll: ‘Total Rejection’ Of Islam In France From All Across The Political Spectrum - See more at:



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