alphablu82 #fundie

God gave people what we need to survive. Many evolutionists argue that fish evolved into humans. How did they have the correct DNA sequences to develop back bones and limbs? A fish certainly does not have any of these things.
It is my belief that God gave humans as well as animals what they needed in order to survive. What looks like speciation is actually many recessive genes that have all came out together. To add to this dilemma there are different regions to the world. Naturally people in Africa are going to look different from those in Sweden. God gave humans the ability to adapt. Biological Evolution did not.
There have been fossils of humans found in Africa that have been said to have different jaw structures. First African Americans have differently shaped jaws than those of Americans, second as a skull ages the top bone of the jaw actually receeds and last undergoing thousands of years as a fossil the bones of the body undergo major changes caused by the pressure of the earth.



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