NoDragQueensInGovernment #fundie

NoDragQueensinGovernment • in a few seconds

Drag Queens have no business in the armed forces. The only place these confused males should be tolerated is in a gay parade. They are awkward and scary for some adults and they truly scare children. Allowing a dude in high heels, stockings and makeup to flaunt around in the military is ridiculous nonsense and I'm very happy Trump put a dead stop to this insanity

NoDragQueensinGovernment • in a few seconds

Since when has it been an "American" staple of having cross dressing drag queens, males who think they are women in soldiers uniforms? Absolutely never. It's always the actual unAmericans, trying to lecture us about what is American. You are enemies of America, there is nothing "American" about you left wing extremists, you are all allied with and support anti American maliciousness.

NoDragQueensinGovernment Messed are the Bleak • a few seconds ago

Drag queen weirdos have been banned, and plenty more disgusting left wing degeneracy will be undone through Trump's 8 years. Get used to groveling and whining on a left wing extremist website, because we aren't stopping, we are barely even warmed up.

NoDragQueensinGovernment Messed are the Bleak • in a few seconds

You are the triggered snowflakes, we are the ones triggering you weak enemies and stomping you when you are down.

NoDragQueensinGovernment Messed are the Bleak • a few seconds ago

And you say that, while hiding in a safespace behind pixels... Easy, when the threat of an enemy such as myself who has every intention of opening up your throat from ear to ear in a real encounter, isn't quite there.



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