The Meme Policeman #fundie

In response to a meme about hate crimes being on the rise during Trump's presidency...

This widely shared meme echoes the popular narrative that hate crimes are rapidly on the rise. The reality is that FBI hate crime data hasn’t even been released for 2017 yet! This means we don’t even have data from when Trump was in office. The latest data is from 2016.
Still, we can compare 2015-16 and see how hate crimes changed during the initial “rise of Trump”. In researching this, I found most of the media reporting to be extremely shallow and unhelpful. Few dug very deep into the statistics, so I looked at them myself and found several interesting trends, many that were virtually unreported.
-Total hate crimes indeed rose slightly, and rose against Muslims and Hispanics. This was widely reported, and few outlets went beyond this.
-Of all racial groups, anti-white hate crimes rose the most. Anti-black crimes actually fell. This was rarely reported.
-In looking at who committed hate crimes, white offenders actually decreased slightly. Black offenders increased appreciably and Hispanic offenders increased dramatically. This was completely unreported, at least from what I could find, but an amazing statistic. “During the rise of Trump, white hate crime offenders actually fell” is not a headline we saw.
-Most of the increase was from acts of vandalism. Violent hate crimes didn’t increase with any significance.
Many more findings and details, including sources, are in the link below, so please check it out. With all the shenanigans with pages being deleted on FB I'll be doing more content on the website.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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