theantifeminist #sexist

There’s a case in the Uk at the moment involving a group of older Asian men who paid white teen girls money for sex. Of course, they are paedophile monsters and the poor 15 year old children are going to be traumatised for life. I couldn’t help being struck by the following part of the BBC report :

In further police interviews, recorded when she was 18, she was asked about how she felt and replied: “I wasn’t even bothered any more, I didn’t feel anything about it.”

She added: “At first I felt dead bad and horrible but then I didn’t feel anything any more.”

The officer asked: “How did you cope?”

The girl replied: “I don’t remember —Most of the time I was just getting dead drunk so when it happened it didn’t feel that bad.”
And I wonder why the girls went back time and time again to the men if they were being abused and raped?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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