Critical-Rationalist #sexist

When no self-actualization process, no higher value and no collective achievements exist anymore because of the collapse of cultural norms, individuals tend to base their whole existence and build their ego around the fulfillment of their animalistic needs. On a biological level, this is what happens when the stress factor is removed from a species; individuals tend to excessively act on their animalistic urges (namely their two fundamental imperatives: sex and eating) and will discard anything that would prevent them from reaching these goals. It's precisely what happened in the mouse utopia experiment. It led mice in the experiment to become violent among males in order to have sex, and led females to have sex all the time, killing their babies, eating other mice and developing deviant sexual practices. In 2018 humans, this leads to abortions on a massive scale, cuckolding and pegging, as well as the end of every cultural norm that would hinder women's ability to act on their animalistic urges. This is why fat acceptance and female sex positivity are a sociocultural necessity for modern females.

The comment of this post is a symptom of this phenomenon. These people deny every cultural norm that allowed every advanced civilization, throughout the world and history, to exist. Virginity is an imperative in order to have proper pair-bonding, and thus a strong family unit that is the basis of human societies. But these people don't think of such things, they just constantly think about their animalistic needs and build their egos and their new culture around them in order to avoid becoming totally insane.

What they don't understand is that incels who post on this subreddit are, for a good part at least, aiming for self- actualization and fulfilled lives. They rightly consider that sex in itself with a whore (be it a prostitute or a modern female that starts to become Chads cumdumps in high school for validation and attention) would not help them achieving what civilized men strive for: self-realization through family construction. Self-actualization through discovering their ability to be a proper provider for a woman who they love and that respects them. An incel resents society because his "looks counterpart" of today will never be able to be such a woman precisely because of their lack of virginity and hence of pair-bonding.

By pushing this sex-positivity and denying the inherent virtue of virginity denying men and women a fulfilled life, degrading everyone in the process, these people destroy lives for selfish and animalistic reasons. They will shame incels for their current subhuman status, but it is them who are leaving humanity.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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