various commenters #fundie

Re: Fact Check: Video Games Do *Not* Cause Violence

What about the feminized culture that drives the use of these drugs because it regards being a boy as a disease?

I think you hit the nail on the head. The leftist culture that exists in orgs like the APA, taking its cues from the gender theory and third-wave feminist movements, treats masculinity as toxic. Boys who act like boys are diagnosed with AD&D, EDD, or ODD, and are psychologically neutered with anti-psychotic drugs while their minds are still developing.

If you are a parent, and you give in to pressure from your public school district to put your son on psych-drugs, you deserve to be hung upside down over a pit of lava.

The inability to read the non-verbal social cues that have been the halmark of human society is approaching crisis level. It's not just that it shows up in these kinds of violent break-downs, but it's also a huge part of the "sexual harassment" crisis that has been steadily making its rounds through every sport and every sector of our society.

Disintegration of the nuclear family, family values, discipline, and morality are all the banners of liberals. So to sum it up, liberals are the problem with our society.

And God help the white boy. He's the politically approved target for all things vile.

Not if he claims gayness. He will then be exonerated from all white guilt.

Not if he is conservative, gay and white. Milo is the example.

(Pleiades R)
by the liberal media and a few followers...

do you actually think it is a national movement?

LOL and you make the "weakness" issue seem correct when you fear a liberal media facade... like, "hillary is going to win" "declare war on white guys"

I have an idea, act like ideal men... intelligent, strong, respectful, defenders of family and neighborhood....
be the role model decent people admire....
and ignore the sour grapes of liberal self haters....

don't let the turkeys make you act like the whiners they want everyone to be, just like them

and I notice, you miss the fact.... .. white women are being treated poorly too..... heroic guy....
you know, a lot of strong women, become so because there are no longer the caring men....

(The reality
Look for disabled parking permits for all penis owners...coming soon.

What about transgender penis owners. Have you heard they like to complain in the military the drills are too hard. So they play both sides. Just like gays. They are behaving only part way the other gender. The point is that it is not a true full blown transgender in the mentally ill minds. Gays the same. They only take on part of other gender behavior. The point is that these are mental illnesses that the left is trying to justify as normal.

The problem with your argument is that the academic, post-modernist feminists are "feminists", and the colloquial use of "feminist" is incorrect. Actual feminism began in universities, and "feminism" is used to describe a particular gender theory that derives its central themes from Marxist conflict theory. Somehow, perhaps deliberately, folk vernacular conflated "feminism" with "women's rights" to denote any collective action women took to achieve equal rights.

Equal pay for equal work has been the law for decades. If they can't compete it's because they are no good and shouldn't be allowed to jeopardize the quality of work or the pocketbooks of their employer. They generally pay too much attention to relationships at work while men and non feminist women are able to focus on the task alone. We know this because we see it time and time again.
Feminists manipulated young women into believing their only value was as a careerist. Pushing women into the workplace doubled the work force and halved the wage and now women who understand how important it is to raise their own children can't unless they marry a wealthy man and that's an unrealistic goal. Women will never be as important as the children they once raised. Day care and preschool made them redundant, not just men.
The fact is that domestic women had all the real power. Western civilization was built to provide for and protect the children they raised. The social mores and rules of living were set by and for women. The hand that rocked the cradle really did rule the rule. Thst's why poll after poll could never come up with more than 25% of women calling themselves feminist, but feminists do not care whst women want, just what they alone want.

Feminists always throw in this specious crap "or the kind of gal who allows herself to be beaten when her "big strong man" is drunk... is that what you had in mind?" The vast majority of men live their entire lives without ever once hitting a woman, even when they're hit by abusive women. That's the kind of demonizing of men that is so perverse.

(Cahal the Mad™)
"Too many kids running around that can't distinguish fantasy and reality."

And THAT is the direct result of indoctrination, propaganda, and lies by left-wing public schools, the left-wing media, left-wing "parents", left-wing Hollywood, and left-wing politicians.

And the parents that allow it. If one won't stand up for themselves at least stand up and fight for your own child. If enough people stood up to this nonsense we could start beating it back, but too many lemmings out there content to do what the idiot box tells them to do while sending their kids off to the local indoctrination camp for the free daycare.



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