Mike King #racist tomatobubble.com

Trumpstein's declaration of war and call for a boycott on the NFL & NBA represent a classic case of a clever politician doing the right thing, but for the wrong reasons. With his conservative / nationalist core constituencies shrinking due to his tiresome buffoonery, leftward movement and broken promises, this calculated move to fire-up the patriotard base may turn out to be a stroke of political genius for Ivanka's daddy. Though Sugar and I, er, "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times can see right through the Orange Clown's tactical trickery, any damage done to the National Felons League will come as a welcome side-effect.

Yes, it's high time that these Jewish-run leagues and their stables of ungrateful, whiny, low-IQ, anti-White, spoiled-rotten multi-millionaire, deadbeat dad brats be taught a lesson by the lazy fat White guys who attend their games, purchase their merchandise and watch them on the Idiotic Box. And to whatever extent that a sports boycott ends up re-focusing Boobus Footballicus attention on matters political, something good may actually come out of this -- maybe. Let the leagues die and let the protesting punks work as dishwashers, janitors, busboys, pimps and crack dealers --- those who don't end up dead or in prison within a few months, that is.

"Yo man...the anthem be racist."

One can only imagine how many fatherless Black kids these notoriously promiscuous multi-millionaire morons have sired and abandoned. They are also notorious for blowing millions of dollars of women, drugs, and extravagance, while doing little if anything to offer financial support or mentoring in the "oppressed" ™ Black communities.

As for the libtarded whining about Trumpstein's "divisiveness," it is important to note that these childishly provocative anthem-protests began in 2016 as a direct consequence of the relentless, multi-year incitement against innocent police officers by Mr. & Mr. Obongo and the rest of the usual suspects above and below them. The meaning of the circus has since morphed into a protest of "racism" ™ in general. A bit of essential chronology is called for here:

2009: Obongo publicly accused the Cambridge, MA police of "acting stupidly" for arresting Black Communist Harvard professor Henry Gates after Gates began abusing police officers merely for questioning him as to why he was breaking into a home. The pinko professor could easily and calmly have explained that he was the new rightful renter of the property who had lost his keys, and then shown them his documents. Instead, he chose to make a public spectacle in the exclusive neighborhood.

2012: Obongo took up the cause of a Black thug named Trayvon Martin who was killed by George Zimmerman, an armed neighborhood watchman who shot Martin in self-defense as the drugged up "teen" was bashing Zimmerman's head into the pavement. Said Obongo of the dead beast: "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon."

2014: Obongo made a Federal case of another justified killing of a thug that occurred in Ferguson, MO. A 6'5"- 300 pound beast, Michael Brown, had to be put down by White Officer Darren Wilson after he had robbed a convenience store and then tried to kill Officer Wilson. Obongo's surrogates, the Reverend Al Charlatan and the Black Lives Matter terrorist group, then incited riots as Obongo's Attorney General, Eric Holder, persecuted the Ferguson police department.

2016: Clad in black leather and draped with bullets, the glorified go-go girl skank Beyonce, who is as "as thick as thieves" with Mr. & Mr. Obongo, used the occasion of the Stupor Bowl to pay a half-time tribute to the cop-killing Communist Black Panthers.

Building upon the sustained hate campaign against police -- an evil effort that actually led to the execution murders of several police officers nationwide -- San Francisco 49ers Quarterback Colin Kaepernick -- a mulatto who was raised by a loving White family after his Black biological father disappeared (so typical!) -- began dropping to one knee instead of standing before the National Anthem. When asked to comment on the controversy, Obongo actually defended the anthem protest:

"I don’t doubt his (Kap's) sincerity. I think he cares about some real, legitimate issues that have to be talked about. If nothing else, he’s generated more conversation about issues that have to be talked about... “I’d rather have young people who are engaged in the argument and trying to think through how they can be part of our democratic process than people who are just sitting on the sidelines not paying attention at all,”

Kap's anti-White / anti-cop antics have since spread to other teams and other sports. So you see, it was the administration of Mr. & Mr. Obongo, backed by the promotion of the all-mighty Judenpresse, not Orange Man, that started this whole divisive nastiness.

Frankly, this trite tradition of playing the National Anthem before every single sports game is a malignant form of self-worship that was instituted at baseball games on the suggestion of Woodrow Wilson. The purpose was to whip up fake patriotism for World War I -- a tragic event fought only for the benefit of Globalism and Zionism. Even back then, "they" (cough cough) understood the power of sports.

If players were to take a knee to protest something real, such as the America's political and military oppression of the world, or the erosion of liberty here at home, we would strongly support that. But because these idiotic protests are motivated solely by bigotry against Whites and blind hatred against police officers, The Anti-New York Times, - in spite of Trumpstein's manipulative personal motives in calling for it, wholeheartedly endorses the "mancott" of the NFL and NBA. So, these disrespectful, hateful, bigoted ass-clowns want to drop to one knee, eh? Then the big bad White man needs bring the whole damn pack of them to their metaphorical knees, financially.

In the vernacular of ghetto thuggery: "Let's tear the mutha down!"

The drunken little White boys in fat men's bodies need to sober up, grow up, shape up and fight for something real!

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Trump is calling for a boycott of the NFL.

Boobus Americanus 2: That's so divisive. Football is our national game.

Sugar: No Boobuss! Defending frickin' cop killerss and biting the hand that feedss you is what'ss divissive!

Editor: White Sport-tards who turn a blind eye to this have no self-respect.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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