W. F. Price #sexist web.archive.org

"[Women] are “at increased risk of gender-based violence, especially domestic violence and rape but also forced marriage at earlier ages” due to their increased dependence on men for protection and support—"

So now when men provide women with protection and support they are suspected rapists, child molesters and batterers? Are these strange, foreign women more trustworthy than Haitian girls’ fathers, brothers and grandfathers? I try to refrain from inserting my opinion when I am writing these news pieces, but Ms. Enarson is making one of the most offensive insinuations possible with the above statement, and she is dead wrong. It is matriarchal societies where women cannot rely on men for support in which women face the most danger.

[Comment by same fundie, also when you suddenly adopt an extremely Rousseauan anarchist view on human nature because the alternative means acknowledge some men do bad things sometimes]

Geez, Ella, you just make my point:

" The police are in disarray, the gaols are broken and empty, there is no law and one way to reassert power, to demonstrate control, is to violate another persons body."

Is that your personal take on it? You really think that men are just waiting for chaos so they can go on a rape spree?

You simply make it clear why I am putting so much work into this site. You feminists need to be fought as hard as the tyrants of the last century, because you have a twisted, destructive and supremacist ideology — an ideology of death.

It is time for another Amazonomachy.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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