Zionien #racist realjewnews.com

(This is an anti-Semitic "poem")

Feet to the fire - The Jew is a liar!
Sacrificing their own
to discredit Kavanaugh, Esquire.

Crazy liar, “no one is higher”
than a Jew worm would deceive to aspire.
But they are forever in the mire+
Their situation is dire!!!:/

If control is not established - who will be their sire..?
For a lowly scum of the earth
people who deny Jesus Christ - they will be the crier!+

For it’s become quite obvious & lame
their go to game to shame and to blame -it’s just more of the same.
To cry and lie
no matter who die
will barely, if ever raise their pitiful sigh!

Amazing that no one has ever tried to whack that mohel Soros!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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