Phallocentrism Award

Walter #fundie

Don’t listen to these haters. They just aren’t ready for the truth.

Let me explain my ideas.

You see, there are two kinds of people with penises in the world: Bigs and Smalls. Bigs have big penises and Smalls have small penises. It’s essentially a caste system based on penis size.

Bigs will be the privileged caste. They will be given preference in all jobs, receive a stipend from the government and solely considered for leadership positions in government and business. Within the Bigs there will be two groups, Normals and Supers. Normals will have cocks that are 7-9? while Supers are men with cocks bigger than 9?. Supers will have all the same benefits as Normals, but will serve as religious leaders and show the spiritual superiority and supremacy of big dicks. They will receive a much higher stipend and will be stationed in temples all over the country in order to allow members of the local community to worship and appreciate their big dicks.

Smalls will be the lower caste. They will receive no stipend from the government and are barred from any kind of leadership position. They will be allowed to start their own business, but must sell it to a Big after one year. They will be expected to work menial labor jobs, but Smalls with exceptional skills will be allowed to work as doctors or engineers, although with a greater tax burden as punishment for taking away a high ranking position from a more deserving Big.

Housing will be determined by cock size, not money. The more cock you have, the bigger the home you will be allowed to live in. People with 8? or more will be allowed to live in luxurious mansions, while men with dicks smaller than 4? inches will have to live in shacks in the forest or in the city sewers.

People born without penises will exist outside the caste system. They will have all the privileges of a Big but will not receive a stipend. They will also be allowed to take high positions within the state religion, but the position of temple idols will be reserved for those with large penises. They will also be able to buy homes using money instead of penis size.

Now I know what you’re thinking, “That seems like a very brilliant and intuitive way to set up society, Walter. But, how will that stop misogyny?” The answer to that is very simple. You see, the human male is unhappy because it doesn’t know its place. In the case of MRAs they are all obviously Smalls, but because no one has ever told them that they are not as good as Bigs, they think they are somehow on equal footing with Bigs! It’s a dangerous delusion. Because when they find out that life isn’t working out the way they imagine that it should they lash out at women. The cockocracy breaks them of the illusion of being on the same level as Bigs and changes their expectations into something more appropriate for a Small. Once that happens misogyny will disappear.

Sadly, the cockocracy requires too many political and religious changes to ever be implemented.



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