theantifeminist #fundie

It’s been a permanent mystery to myself, and to several of my loyal and esteemed readers, why it is that the men’s rights movement, and the manosphere in general, has been so reluctant to focus upon, or even barely mention the fact, that feminists are invariably ugly, and that feminists give primacy in their lobbying campaigns to goals that invariably will in some way limit the freedoms of non-ugly women (and more importantly often criminalize or at least restrict the liberties of thousands or millions of normal heterosexual men).

This is the great Elephant in the Room when it comes to feminism and the men’s rights movement.


It is the very fact that MRAs, and men in general, ignore the fact that feminists are blatently ugly jealous women that has allowed them to pass law after law that leads to thousands of men being raped in prison while simply serving no other end but to raise their own sexual market value (and those of their supporters – the mass of women) and to soothe their insane psycho-sexual jealousies. Feminists are trampling on basic human rights because they are ugly and jealous – there is no getting around this, however crude or even comical it can sound.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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