
Anonymous #fundie wis.pr

(superimposed text on a picture. Picture shows a fist, painted on with rainbow colors and a pair of mars/venus symbols respectively)
Why is[sic] ok for people to be
transgender but not

Anonymous #fundie wis.pr

(superimposed text on a picture showing a woman)
I understand how transgender
people must feel. I feel like I was
born the wrong race. But people
right now don't accept people
who were born the wrong
races. One day racephobia will

Anonymous #fundie wis.pr

(superimposed text on a picture, showing three transgender persons)
I'm trans racial. Please explain
why my trans is less than
transgenders. I'm not
comfortable in my form and
neither are they. What. Is. The.
Diff. We can both transition. Y
u genders more valid

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