
Stephen1 #fundie talkjesus.com

Beware of the "Rapture Ready" Forum
This forum is one to avoid

Related article:

A "Christian" Pre-Trib Message Board Run By Satan's Workers. The purpose of this article is to expose some of the ways a large, allegedly Christian Pretrib message board whose aim is to supposedly make believers "Rapture Ready" is being used to undermine and neutralize the faith of Christians rather than build them up in the most holy faith. This particular "Christian" forum is administrated by people who have a satanic agenda. By no means is this the only one; there are many more. The things they do to destroy the faith of Christians and to intimidate real Christians from speaking out for the truth of the Bible is outrageous.

I have watched them for a long time and can see that they have a consistent pattern of promoting ungodly values . They are so intent on this mission that they ridicule, intimidate, and ban anyone who posts documentation to try to counteract their anti-Christian agenda.

lawrenceb #fundie talkjesus.com

[" It is a game. It is not real. Practices of summoning demons in a video game dont reflect actual rituals. It makes no sense to me why you would be concerned./.."]

This poster either knows nothing of spiritual warfare, or is an enemy provocateur. That video game is an occult object, designed from the outset to attract specific devils for specific purposes. Get it out of your house now; do not make contact with it again; destroy it if possible. Repent before the Lord for bringing it into your son's life, plead the blood of Jesus Christ, and ask him to restore the territory you had ignorantly given to Satan. Do not be afraid.

This is spiritual warfare and your son's eternal destiny is at stake.

gabrielle_iglo #fundie talkjesus.com

I do not think that creationism is actually science, because God, being omnipotent...etc, cannot be confined nor defined by science. He created science so science cannot "test" Him. I don't think scientists' views of what science is is wrong, but they sure are missing out on a lot by thinking the origin of the universe can be confined by experimental science!

On a different note, I have argued and debated with lots of evolutionists and I have come to the conclusion that evolution is stupid and anyone with half a brain and all the objective evidence in front of them denies the existance of some God is A) a liar, B) has some connections with Satan *ahem*, C) is very very dumb. But that's just my opinion!

*God Bless

Chad #fundie talkjesus.com

I actually differ on this because of one main reason: nowhere in the Bible is marrying a cousin condemned, forbidden by GOD. So because of that, anything about genetic defects is void and something of the world's opinion, in my opinion.

A child can be born with problems no matter who you marry. When you have GOD's grace on you in Jesus Christ, nothing else matters. Its faith in Him, following Him and walking with Him that matters.

My parents were cousins when they got married. So were my grandparents and even one of my aunts/uncles. Grandparents had 12 kids. My aunt and uncle had 4. My parents had 3. Everyone born is blessed abundantly. No one had any genetic problems whatsoever.

To each their own of course. We must always seek Him first and we can do so by reading His word and praying on every matter.

hiselect #fundie talkjesus.com

I dont think there's too much to be confused about. The bible lays it out pretty simply lol

Day 1: God created everything
Day 6: God created human beings, Adam and Eve

Macro evolution could not have possibly happened over billions of years because in the Bible mankind appeared only *five days* after the entire universe was created.

I believe the Bible first and foremost.

Chad #fundie talkjesus.com

I hate the religion, not the people.

Any religion outside Christianity is from the devil to be accurate and honest. That does not mean we should insult them nor condemn them. However, we should not "like" the religion nor partake in anything to do with it.

We are to follow Christ and ONLY Christ. No exceptions, no excuses, no swaying around. If you do any of those, you just end up being religious yourself in the end.

GOD hates the sin, but loves the sinner. That is how I meant it when I said I hate the religion. The religion itself is ruled by Rome and is 100% from the devil if you ask me. I have countless years of experience with the whole Catholicism. I have the background to speak out of experience. 13 yrs of Catholic schools. 100+ Catholic family members. Plus research and studies.

What about Islam. Do you not hate that religion? They promote killing people right inside their Q'uaran. Its from the devil. Why should I not hate something that hates GOD?

Hate is a powerful word, but there are right and wrong ways use to that word as any other word or statement.

Deep_MindQuest #fundie talkjesus.com

Stephen Quayle, in his book, Aliens & Fallen Angels - The Sexual Corruption of the Human Race, suggests that Satan was interbreeding Nephilim to corrupt every living thing God had made - both human and animal

I guess that is why God made a law for people not to have sex with animals , there must have been people doing that stuff and creating manimals.

Chad #fundie talkjesus.com

Evolutionary thinking would have us believe that nasal conchae developed over time through natural selection. However, there is no clear progression of fossilized transitional conchae to back up this claim; only fully-formed noses are in the rock record. There is not even a theoretically realistic mechanism that nature could implement--assuming a non-intelligent, non-volitional entity like the universe could implement anything at all--to generate such complex features. When we examine the nose, we can join Job in exclaiming, "Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the Lord hath wrought this

[emphasis mine. Wonder who is the keeper of the nose fossil record?]

AJS #fundie talkjesus.com

I have been thinking a lot abot Heavy Rock/Metal music lately.
I went to the youth group my children attend and was shocked at what I heard, it sounded as though the Devil was present.
The music was very heavy with screaming. What is the Christian world coming to when it allows this type of music in the Church.
The Church should be a beautiful place with the Lord's presence.
Shouldn't people be attracted to Christianity because of Jesus and his Power? But the Church is attracting young people by using this dreadful music.
I like the odd rock song myself, but there must be a line drawn somewhere. I just cannot see how this heavy, agressive screaming music can be used to give praise and worship to our wonderfull Creator.
Music is an expression of the soul.
From a soul occupied by the wonderfull Spirit of God comes beautiful music.
All music should reflect the fruits of the Spirit - Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self control Galations 5:22.
I don't believe Heavy Rock/Metal reflects these fruits. It demonstrates aggression, rebellion, depression, confusion etc and it distorts the soul of those who listen to it.
I would like to hear some comments on this.

LibertyValance #fundie talkjesus.com

"Homosexuals" don't exist they are just confused people who are being tricked by satan I know this for a fact,Over the last five years three "homosexuals" have come to me scared and unsure of what to do. I did not turn them away I took them under my wing and we prayed together and read from the Bible it took some time but I did not give up on any of them and all my hard work has payed off. one fell in love with a beautiful woman and they got married in fact I married them the others have both got "girlfriends" and atend church every sunday.

p.s The first boy I took under my wing,the one who got married his, wife is pregnant.This news brings tears of joy too my eyes she is expecting in 8 months.

God Bless

ImmanuelWithUs #fundie talkjesus.com

The most amazing thing happened to me while at work this morning. I was cleaning around my desk, straightening up, when I heard a voice in my head - it sounded like my voice like I was talking to myself, but it wasn't my voice if that makes any sense. The voice called my name, really simply, not loud, just normal talk. I stopped and without even thinking about it, said, "Yes, Lord?" And The Voice said, "I love you."

After getting hold of myself, I asked, "Who am I Lord?" {like 'who am I that you should talk to me? I'm nobody'}. The Voice said, "You are Mine." Now, mind you, I adore my Bible and read it constantly, so that part of scripture is engraved on my heart and in my mind...

This truly happened to me today. For real. I was not expecting my Lord to speak to me in such a way, despite the fact that I constantly ask Him to show me His face and let me feel His presence, because I ALWAYS tell Him that. It was just another day at work until my Lord showed up. I'm not a drug addict or a drinker, I'm an average Joe putting in a day at work, so I wasn't hallucinating. I've never had any mental health problems.

Later tonight when I got home, satan actually put a picture in my mind of Jesus and His angels laughing at me for believing that Jesus would actually let me experience that. I'm rebuking satan though.

I posted this to ask if I'm right in believing that Yeshua/the Holy Spirit would "speak" to me today...am I crazy for believing this was my Lord?

various #fundie talkjesus.com

[Responses to did dinosaurs exist/why did they die...The whole thread is chock full of win]

"crockadiles are desedants and havent changed so smaller but still dino's
I think in the vastness of the oceans their could still be dino we havent seen yet still living" - Chris Meads

"Based on what I have learned (history class even history channel) plus the Word's teaching, I honestly believe GOD destroyed the dinosaurs (or giant creatures) in the Flood, if not maybe a meteor/comet. I think this was for our own sake since the Fall, we cursed the earth basically and lost control over Creation. If the dinosaurs were indeed real, they would have destroyed us fast." -Chad

"I believe dinosaurs were on Noah's Ark. Then, after the flood was over, all of the plants, animals and people that wasn't on the Ark were drowned. Dinosaurs were really big, therefore they needed more oxygen to breath, than humans and littler animals. All of those plants that were destroyed by the flood gave off oxygen. So in conclusion, the dinosaurs died off because of lack of oxygen that was needed for them to live." -Cody

"it seems to me that when the canopy of water over the earth was pierced and fell on the earth, the climate was so much cooler after the flood, that the dinosaurs could not survive and became extinct." -macca

styeld4christ #fundie talkjesus.com

[those talkjesusians are under-represented on fstdt]

Have yall ever experience when your dog bark at a wall? That a sign that there a demon and I know someome who had that problem there beacuse the would bark all night so she had a prayer meeting and that she found out that there a demon in her house so she had a prayer meeting and then the dog dose not bark at the wall no and animals can be effected by demons also I know Psalm 91 is a promise word like if I read it could scared demons away

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