
Roy Lessin #fundie stoptherod.net

Loving discipline through spanking brings a parent and child closer together. Because a spanking deals with the heart of a child and establishes godly fear and wisdom within a child, it is easy to understand why Satan would oppose it.

Roy Lessin #fundie stoptherod.net

For myself, it took a while to see the importance of using a rod. Now that my children are older, they have told me that they respected and feared the rod more than anything else I ever used for spanking. It should also be noted that there may be times when spanking with a rod can leave marks on a child's bottom, especially if several spanking are needed within a brief period of time. However, these marks are temporary and should not become a source of discouragement to parents. It is better for children to carry a few temporary marks on the outside than to carry within them areas of disobedience and wrong attitudes that can leave permanent marks on their character.

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