
Chance Berryman #sexist solitarybeast.com

Women never look at younger men, until they hit the wall.

Around 30, men start to hit their stride, in terms of looks, social status, and money.

A 30- 35 year old man is the most confident, handsome, and successful that he’s ever been in his life. As such, he’s more desirable to women than ever.

I’ve written about this many times on the blog. Check out my posts:

“30 Dangerous Ideas For Men In Their 30s”

“7 Ways Men Can Look Better With Age”

Many men this age choose to date younger women, as is completely natural.

The younger women want a man with a nice car, a bit of money to spend on nice dates, and the maturity she can admire.

That leaves 30-something year old women out in the cold.

Men their age are chasing girls that just turned 22.

Unfortunately, this is at the time that a 30 year old woman understands that she is running out of time.

Many women in this situation reach down to the younger men who are also left out because women their age prefer older men.

When a woman in her mid-30s, or older, starts robbing the cradle, sexing down young men, that’s when you know the SHE knows it’s over.

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