
Waseem162 #fundie shiachat.com

Today, The Film industry of India (2nd largest in World) celebrated this move as a Festival. And now more and more LGBT movies will come up. LGBT will be as normal as hetro sexuality.

In India nobody gives a damn on public display of "LOVE". So now we'll be witnessing homosexual display too. Fitnah of Dajjal is spreading fast.

Dajjal - THE GLOBAL ARROGANCE SYSTEM. India is following the footsteps of America (the Great Satan).

Carlzone #fundie shiachat.com

You are using the psychological defense mechanism of projection.

Oh, did i misunderstand you? Please correct me then. How do you regard God destroying a whole nation of homosexuals? Did God do the right thing? Did God make a mistake?

Answering these questions will show your inconsistency and faulty view of Allah SWT so you won't do it :)

In the end no person's opinions have any value, not yours, not mine. The only thing that matters is Allah SWTs view. And we all know what that was. He destroyed those deviant homosexuals.

hadez803 #fundie shiachat.com

They are not barred from going to university but if they start proselytizing they are usually removed. That is the law in Iran and they know it yet they insist on breaking it. If they can't keep their mouths shut, it's there problem.

Let me tell you something: Baha'i claim there are about 300,000 Baha'is in Iran. Give each a lifespan of 60 years and you will have about 300,000/60 = 50,000 Baha'is in Iran reaching university age every year. The vast majority of these enter university and finish their studies without a problem. A very very small minority are removed due to proselytizing. These few are immediately used by the Baha'i UHJ as pawns for their game of playing the victim and propaganda against Iran.

Abu Hadi #conspiracy shiachat.com

1) Iran is the only country in the world that is consistently standing up to the Zionist Regime.

2) Iran is the only country that is lead by Wilayat Al Faqih

Each one of these requires further explanation.

First, since the 1967 war, no Arab government has stood up in any real or consistent way to the Zionist Government. This is while Palestinians, their fellow Arabs, are being wiped from the face of the earth in slow motion, before their eyes. Also, Islam's third Holiest site, Masjid Al Aqsa, is being occupied by Zionists. For Arabs, and also for Muslims, this is equivalent to being punched in the face every morning and every evening. Being reminded that although we are many, and the Zionists are few, we are doing nothing while they are doing the above. This is deep river of anger and rage which is there for whoever wishes to tap into it. Iran has successfully tapped into it, and this is big threat to the US/Zionist plans for the region of the Middle East and beyond.

Second, the system of Wilayat Al Faqih is a system that is outside the control of the US and Zionists, which is why they hate it. If they could manipulated / bribe the marjaa' as they bribe and manipulate other politicians, the US and Iran would be best friends as they were under the pre IRI government. They are obsessed with power and control, so they automatically hate anything they can't control. Because of the current world economic system, which is run 100% by banks and mega corporations, these banks and corporations, most of which are headed by Zionists, have the ability to pump up or bring down any national economy in the world.

Since these countries are run by politicians, who are most afraid of losing their power, these politicians known that to face down the Zionists and these corporations means their economy will go down and because of that they people will turn against them and they will lose their political power. So although they may disagree with the way these things are run, they will never openly confront the 'powers that be' because of this fact. The only country in the world that is actually confronting these policies is Iran, which makes them a threat to the current order of things, with big banks and corporations at the top and everyone else under their feet. The Wilayat Al Faqih is the head of the groups that are confronting this system, openly, and groups are uniting and organizing under this leadership.

So although I do not agree with everything the is done by IRI (I have stated plainly, many times the areas where I disagree) I believe that overall, the world is a better place because of the existence of the IRI, may Allah(s.w.a) protect them and strengthen them and strengthen and project our Wilayat Al Faqih and our marjaa' and all the mumineen and muminat. I get up every morning and pray that I will live to see the day that there is a flag, other than the Zionist flag, being raised over Masjid Al Aqsa, InShahAllah.

Silas #fundie shiachat.com

Transgenderism is mental illness. When a person becomes so disconnected with reality that they believe themselves to be something other than what they biologically are, it is a sign of psychosis. There is no such thing as a "third sex", and biological sex is binary.

It isn't "assigned" at birth (to use a leftist term that suggests sex is arbitrary), it is confirmed. Our chromosomes (XX, XY, or even XXX, XYY, etc. in rare instances), muscular-skeletal frame (women have a larger pelvis), oxygen levels in the blood (men have more), genitalia, etc., all work to make us male or female. There is NO XYZ sex.

Likewise, homosexuality is a neurosis. It is an illogical attraction to one's own sex due to environmental and maybe genetic factors. It is promoted by the left as an alternative, rebellious lifestyle. So we have a situation where mental illness is normalized in an effort to subvert society.

It is not only against Islam and Christianity, but against reason and science.

Ashvazdanghe #conspiracy shiachat.com

The AIDS first used as a silent killer by westerners like USA to get rid of hemo/Tran sexual also provides a big store for great pharmaceutical companies,if you trace it’s starting point of spreading of it at first maybe looks like a conspiracy theory but it is rational.

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