
Shawntheimmortal94 #conspiracy shawntheimmortal94.deviantart.com

Yup, you didn’t read that wrong...I’m just as surprised as you are...I feel that I need to counter this stupid shit with something awesome so HERE’S NEW ART OF SHAWN!Coming at you sketch by ChasGallagher
Check this guy out because his art is awesome!

Okay...so...time.com/5133674/lady-doritos/ this happened and all I have to say is, really? Really? R-REALLY!? Feminists are pissed at Doritos because their CEO said that men and women eat Doritos, or chips in general, differently! Big shock! Yes, I know #Notall but is this really something to be pissed about? Oh no, women prefer to have snacks in their purse...BURN DORITOS! DORITOS IS Rebranded White Nationalism! TRUMP SUPPORTS THE GRAND DORITO WIZARD! D.VA HAS BETRAYED US! Give me a fucking break! What, they’re making Doritos that don’t crunch loud and in small bags? OH NO, IT’S THE SECOND HOLOCAUST! I know feminists today are fucking stupid but this is next level bullshit that breaks through any common sense and into a void of stupidity...so feminists are now on the same level as Onision fans. Are any women here offended by this? Do you even care? I mean if the CEO is saying this then doesn’t that mean that she has the research that proves this? I personally eat chips the way she described men doing it and I’ve seen plenty of women who eat chips like she described women eating them. Is this really something to be outraged abou-wait, I forgot we’re dealing with feminists, these are the same people who tried to “empower women” for being proud of their STD...Yeah, feminists www.salon.com/2016/04/14/right— I still remember that shit so #Gofuckyourself ugh! This sucks...I’m depressed*Looks at the Shawn art*I’m happy again! I would love to hear what you all have to say about this shit so post your thoughts in the comments...now I really want Doritos.

Shawntheimmortal94 #conspiracy shawntheimmortal94.deviantart.com

And now Eminem is dividing his fan-base in his free-style about Trump with the same old “You’re either with me or against me mentality”. Do people still not realize that it’s this bullshit that made people vote for Trump? And the same reason he fucking won!? Dividing us doesn’t get your point across, it just makes you an asshole who can’t deal with people having different opinions! I’m not saying Trump is the perfect president but the barrage of “You’re racist, you’re sexist, you’re homophobic, for voting for Trump!” Has annoyed plenty of people who have a different opinion and what happened? He won. Eminem can divide his fan-base all he wants but I still love his music and I still support Trump, I’ll criticize him when he does wrong just like I would anyone in the world but all this dividing and “you’re either with me or against me!” Shit...it’s just going to make people support Trump more...you are just making the same mistake over and over and what happens? More people support Trump...the definition of insanity is doing the same shit over and over...and you expect shit to change but honestly tell me...has anything changed since the election?

Shawntheimmortal94 #racist shawntheimmortal94.deviantart.com


Remember people, when it's a white actor it's racist but when a black actor does it www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat— it's okay because fuck white people, right!? Look, I don't care what the actor's race is and whether it's the same as the source material or not but I have a big fucking problem when people bash someone for being a different race than the source material and let's face it, it's mostly white people who get so much hate while other races are given praises for being "inclusive" when really all they're saying is "I'm glad a white person isn't playing this character!" Also I'd like to give a big FUCK YOU to white guilt bitches that bow down every goddamn time someone is "offended" grow some fucking balls goddammit! I'll wait when the woman playing a pale Irish woman in the reboot steps down because she's not the same race as the character in the source material but let's be honest...it's not gonna happen because we live in a world where these racist fucks are being up front with their racism but instead of everyone calling out this shit it's called "A good thing because diversity" instead of what it truly is, say it with me! RACISM! This is why I want the marvel character Black Panther to be white because...where he comes from it's mostly black people so we gotta be inclusive, right!? And I'm not talking about some alternate universe(though let's be honest, people would still be pissed at that)I'm talking about it being in continuity to give big middle finger to these assholes who want to bring identity politics into things we love and being racist towards white people and treating other races like children!

Shawntheimmortal94 #racist shawntheimmortal94.deviantart.com

For so long Marvel has changed the race and genders of well known characters, Thor is now female, Captain America is now black, Spiderman is now black, Miss Marvel is now Muslim, Hulk is now Asian and wolverine is now female but these shit-I mean garbage-I mean...progressive changes is only the beginning so I'm here to propose a new change. This character has been the same for years and I say it's time for a change...I propose that we change the character Black Panther...White! I know this change is too progressive for any mind to understand, it's time for people from South Africa to be represented so what do you all say? Is the world ready for a white Black Panther? If so then make sure your voice is heard! #MakeBlackPantherwhite

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